/**********************************************************************/ /************************ Global Definitions ************************/ /**********************************************************************/ typedef int BOOLEAN; #define NEW(A) ((A *) malloc(sizeof(A))) #define DEBUG 1 /* for massive printing of input */ /* trace information; select by -d */ /* option after filename: */ /* dvibit filename -d */ #ifdef DEBUG int Debug = 0; #endif #define ALLOW_INTERRUPT 1 /* to allow ^C for Debugging */ /* undefine for normal catch-^C mode */ #define BINARYOPEN fopen /* byte-oriented host version */ #define ARITHRSHIFT 1 /* define if ">>" operator is a sign-propagating arithmetic right shift */ #define USEGLOBALMAG 1 /* when defined, the dvi global magnification is applied */ /* We leave USEGLOBALMAG undefined because there are only a very limited number font magnifications provided for this program and if it is defined, any dvi file is as likely as not to fail */ /* ---fixme--- put something into the log file if it's not mag 1000 */ #undef USEGLOBALMAG #define DVIFORMAT 2 #define FALSE 0 #define FIRSTPXLCHAR 0 #ifndef FONTAREA #define FONTAREA "/usr/lib/dvifont/" #endif #define LASTPXLCHAR 127 #define MAXOPEN 15 /* limit on number of open PXL files */ #define NPXLCHARS 128 #define PXLID 1001 #define READ 4 /* for access() */ #define RESOLUTION 118 /* is really 91.72192515 */ #define hconvRESOLUTION 118 #define vconvRESOLUTION 110 #define STACKSIZE 100 #define STRSIZE 257 #define TRUE 1 #define XSIZE 1024 #define YSIZE 800 /**********************************************************************/ /*********************** external definitions ***********************/ /**********************************************************************/ #include "commands.h" #include #include #include #include extern struct pixrect *pr_open(); char *getenv(); char *index(); char *malloc(); char *rindex(); char *sprintf(); char *strcpy(); int dummyInt; short dummyShort; char dummyChar; /*-->NoSignExtend*/ /**********************************************************************/ /*************************** NoSignExtend ***************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int NoSignExtend(fp, n) /* return n byte quantity from file fd */ register FILE *fp; /* file pointer */ register int n; /* number of bytes */ { register int x; /* number being constructed */ x = 0; while (n--) { x <<= 8; x |= getc(fp); } return(x); } /*-->SignExtend*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** SignExtend ****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int SignExtend(fp, n) /* return n byte quantity from file fd */ register FILE *fp; /* file pointer */ register int n; /* number of bytes */ { int n1; /* number of bytes */ register int x; /* number being constructed */ x = getc(fp); /* get first (high-order) byte */ n1 = n--; while (n--) { x <<= 8; x |= getc(fp); } /* NOTE: This code assumes that the right-shift is an arithmetic, rather than logical, shift which will propagate the sign bit right. According to Kernighan and Ritchie, this is compiler dependent! */ x<<=32-8*n1; x>>=32-8*n1; /* sign extend */ #ifdef DEBUG if (Debug) { fprintf(stderr,"\tSignExtend(fp,%d)=%X\n",n1,x); } #endif return(x); } /**********************************************************************/ /************************* Global Procedures ************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* Note: Global procedures are declared here in alphabetical order, with those which do not return values typed "void". Their bodies occur in alphabetical order following the main() procedure. The names are kept unique in the first 6 characters for portability. */ void AbortRun(); float ActualFactor(); void AllDone(); FILE* BINARYOPEN(); void Fatal(); void FindPostAmblePtr(); void GetBytes(); void GetFontDef(); void GotInterrupt(); void InitTerm(); int InputWaiting(); void LoadRast(); void MoveDown(); void MoveOver(); void OpenFontFile(); int PixRound(); void PutOut(); int ReadFontDef(); void ReadPostAmble(); void ResetTerm(); void SetChar(); void SetFntNum(); void SetRule(); void SkipFontDef(); void Warning(); /**********************************************************************/ /************************* Global Variables *************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int G_errenc = FALSE; /* has an error been encountered? */ char G_Logname[STRSIZE]; /* name of log file, if created */ int G_interactive = TRUE; /* is the program running interactively */ /* (i.e., standard output not redirected)? */ int G_logging = 0; /* Is a log file being created? */ struct sgttyb G_intty; /* information about stdin if interactive */ FILE *G_logfp; /* log file pointer (for errors) */ char G_progname[STRSIZE]; /* program name */ struct char_entry { /* character entry */ unsigned short width, height;/* width and height in pixels */ short xOffset, yOffset; /* x offset and y offset in pixels */ struct { int isloaded; union { int fileOffset; struct pixrect *pixrectptr; } address; } where; int tfmw; /* TFM width */ }; struct font_entry { /* font entry */ int k, c, s, d, a, l; char n[STRSIZE]; /* FNT_DEF command parameters */ int font_space; /* computed from FNT_DEF s parameter */ int font_mag; /* computed from FNT_DEF s and d parameters */ char name[STRSIZE]; /* full name of PXL file */ FILE *font_file_id; /* file identifier (0 if none) */ int magnification; /* magnification read from PXL file */ int designsize; /* design size read from PXL file */ struct char_entry ch[NPXLCHARS];/* character information */ struct font_entry *next; }; struct pixel_list { FILE *pixel_file_id; /* file identifier */ int use_count; /* count of "opens" */ }; int hconv, vconv; /* converts DVI units to pixels */ int den; /* denominator specified in preamble */ FILE *dvifp; /* DVI file pointer */ struct font_entry *fontptr; /* font_entry pointer */ struct font_entry *hfontptr=NULL;/* font_entry pointer */ int h; /* current horizontal position */ int hh; /* current horizontal position in pixels */ int v; /* current vertical position */ int vv; /* current vertical position in pixels */ int mag; /* magnification specified in preamble */ int nopen; /* number of open PXL files */ int num; /* numerator specified in preamble */ struct font_entry *pfontptr = NULL; /* previous font_entry pointer */ struct pixel_list pixel_files[MAXOPEN+1]; /* list of open PXL file identifiers */ struct pixrect *screen, *display; long postambleptr; /* Pointer to the postamble */ FILE *pxlfp; /* PXL file pointer */ char *PXLpath; /* PXL path name for search */ struct sgttyb tty; /* to see if program is running interactively */ #define YDEFAULT 0 int ydefault = YDEFAULT; int xscreen = 0, yscreen = YDEFAULT; /******************************** Unix only definitions ******************/ struct tchars tcb; /* information about special terminal chars */ /**********************************************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /******************************* main *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ main(argc, argv) int argc; char *argv[]; { struct stack_entry { /* stack entry */ int h, v, w, x, y, z; /* what's on stack */ }; int argind; /* argument index for flags */ int command; /* current command */ long cpagep; /* current page pointer */ char curarea[STRSIZE]; /* current file area */ char curext[STRSIZE]; /* current file extension */ char curname[STRSIZE]; /* current file name */ char filename[STRSIZE]; /* file name */ register int i; /* command parameter; loop index */ int k; /* temporary parameter */ char n[STRSIZE]; /* command parameter */ int PagesLeft; /* Number of pages left to skip */ int PreLoad = TRUE; /* preload the font descriptions? */ long ppagep; /* previous page pointer */ int SkipEOP = FALSE; /* input is waiting from the terminal, skip to EOP */ int SkipMode = FALSE; /* in skip mode flag */ int SoundBell = FALSE; /* if false supress bell at end of page */ int sp; /* stack pointer */ struct stack_entry stack[STACKSIZE]; /* stack */ int t; /* temporary */ char tc; /* temporary character */ char *tcp, *tcp1; /* temporary character pointers */ register struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry ptr */ int val, val2; /* temporarys to hold command information*/ int w; /* current horizontal spacing */ int x; /* current horizontal spacing */ int y; /* current vertical spacing */ int z; /* current vertical spacing */ nopen = 0; strcpy(G_progname, argv[0]); if (argc < 2) { fprintf(stderr, "\nusage: %s -bpld +pages dvifile\n\n", G_progname); AbortRun(1); } if (ioctl(1,TIOCGETP,&tty) == -1) G_interactive = FALSE; /* get enviroment variables that allows for a path name in unix */ if ((PXLpath=getenv("BGPXLPATH")) == NULL) PXLpath = FONTAREA; argind = 1; while (argind < argc && (*argv[argind] == '-' || *argv[argind] == '+')) { tcp = argv[argind]; if (*tcp == '-') { tcp++; switch(*tcp){ case 'b': /* b supresses the bell at end of page */ SoundBell = TRUE; break; #ifdef DEBUG case 'd': /* d selects Debug output */ Debug = TRUE; break; #endif case 'l': /* l prohibits logging of errors */ G_logging = -1; break; case 'p': /* p prohibits pre-font loading */ PreLoad = 0; break; default: printf("%c is not a legal flag\n", *tcp); } } else { sscanf(&argv[argind][1], "%d", &PagesLeft); SkipMode = TRUE; PagesLeft++; } argind++; } tcp = rindex(argv[argind], '/'); if (tcp == NULL) { curarea[0] = '\0'; tcp = argv[argind]; } else { strncpy(curarea, argv[argind], tcp-argv[argind]+1); tcp += 1; } tcp1 = index(tcp, '.'); if (tcp1 == NULL) { strcpy(curname, tcp); tcp1 = index(tcp, '\0'); } else strncpy(curname, tcp, tcp1-tcp); strcpy(curext, tcp1); strcpy(filename, curarea); strcat(filename, curname); if (curext[0] == '\0') strcat(filename, ".dvi"); else strcat(filename, curext); if ((dvifp=BINARYOPEN(filename,"r")) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"%s: can't open \"%s\"\n\n", G_progname, filename); AbortRun(1); } strcpy(G_Logname, curname); strcat(G_Logname, ".dvi-log"); argind++; while (argind < argc && (*argv[argind] == '-' || *argv[argind] == '+')) { tcp = argv[argind]; if (*tcp == '-') { tcp++; switch(*tcp){ case 'b': /* b supresses the bell at end of page */ SoundBell = TRUE; break; #ifdef DEBUG case 'd': /* d selects Debug output */ Debug = TRUE; break; #endif case 'l': /* l prohibits logging of errors */ G_logging = -1; break; case 'p': /* p prohibits pre-font loading */ PreLoad = 0; break; default: printf("%c is not a legal flag\n", *tcp); } } else { sscanf(&argv[argind][1], "%d", &PagesLeft); argind++; SkipMode = TRUE; PagesLeft++; } argind++; } /* The terminal characteristics must be saved before any attempt is made */ /* to process the DVI file, so that if the latter should fail, procedure */ /* Fatal will be able to correctly restore the terminal state. */ if (G_interactive) { ioctl(0, TIOCGETC, &tcb); /* get special characters */ ioctl(0, TIOCGETP, &G_intty); /* get modes */ tty = G_intty; tty.sg_flags |= CBREAK; tty.sg_flags &= ~ECHO; ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &tty); /* set modes */ } #ifndef ALLOW_INTERRUPT signal(SIGINT, SIG_IGN); /* ignore interrupts */ #endif InitTerm(); #ifndef ALLOW_INTERRUPT signal(SIGINT, GotInterrupt); /* catch interrupts */ #endif if ((i = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) != PRE) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); Fatal("%s: PRE doesn't occur first--are you sure this is a DVI file?\n\n", G_progname); } i = SignExtend(dvifp, 1); if (i != DVIFORMAT) { fprintf(stderr,"\n"); Fatal("%s: DVI format = %d, can only process DVI format %d files\n\n", G_progname, i, DVIFORMAT); } if (PreLoad) { ReadPostAmble(); fseek(dvifp, (long) 14, 0); } else { num = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); den = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); mag = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); hconv = DoConv(num, den, hconvRESOLUTION); vconv = DoConv(num, den, vconvRESOLUTION); } k = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); GetBytes(dvifp, n, k); while (TRUE) switch (command=NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) { case SET1:case SET2:case SET3:case SET4: val = NoSignExtend(dvifp, command-SET1+1); if (!SkipMode) SetChar(val, command); break; case SET_RULE: val = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); val2 = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); if (!SkipMode) SetRule(val, val2, 1); break; case PUT1:case PUT2:case PUT3:case PUT4: val = NoSignExtend(dvifp,command-PUT1+1); if (!SkipMode) SetChar(val, command); break; case PUT_RULE: val = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); val2 = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); if (!SkipMode) SetRule(val, val2, 0); break; case NOP: break; case BOP: cpagep = ftell(dvifp) - 1; for (i=0; i<=9; i++) NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); ppagep = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); pr_rop(display, 0, 0, display->pr_size.x, display->pr_size.y, PIX_CLR, NULL, 0, 0); h = v = w = x = y = z = 0; sp = 0; fontptr = NULL; if (PagesLeft) { PagesLeft--; if (PagesLeft <= 0) SkipMode = FALSE; }; break; case EOP: if (SkipEOP) { SkipMode = FALSE; SkipEOP = FALSE; } if (G_interactive && !SkipMode) { t = FALSE; while (!t) { /* sorry about this flow of control kludge */ t = TRUE; tc = getchar(); if (tc==tcb.t_eofc) AllDone(); switch (tc) { case ' ': /* normal case - start next page */ case '\n': xscreen = 0; yscreen = ydefault; break; case 'd': /* move down and redisplay */ yscreen -= (YSIZE/3); fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; case 'l': /* move left and redisplay */ xscreen += (XSIZE/3); fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; case 'p': /* redisplay from previous page */ if (ppagep != -1) { fseek(dvifp, ppagep, 0); } else { fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); xscreen = 0; yscreen = ydefault; } break; case 'q': /* quit */ case 'e': /* exit */ AllDone(); break; case 'r': /* move right and redisplay */ xscreen -= (XSIZE/3); fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; case 'u': /* move up and redisplay */ yscreen += (YSIZE/3); fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; case '-': /* read in val */ val = ReadInt(); while (val-- && ppagep != -1) { fseek(dvifp, ppagep, 0); NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); for(i=0; i<=9; i++) NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); cpagep = ppagep; ppagep = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); } fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); xscreen = 0; yscreen = ydefault; break; #ifdef DEBUG case 'f': /* fine tune y */ ydefault = ReadInt(); yscreen = ydefault; fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; case 'h': /* fine tune hconv */ hconv = DoConv(num, den, ReadInt()); fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; case 'v': /* fine tune hconv */ vconv = DoConv(num, den, ReadInt()); fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); break; #endif case '+': /* read in val */ val = ReadInt(); SkipMode = TRUE; PagesLeft = val; break; default: t = FALSE; } } } break; case PUSH: if (sp >= STACKSIZE) Fatal("stack overflow"); stack[sp].h = h; stack[sp].v = v; stack[sp].w = w; stack[sp].x = x; stack[sp].y = y; stack[sp].z = z; sp++; break; case POP: --sp; if (sp < 0) Fatal("stack underflow"); h = stack[sp].h; v = stack[sp].v; w = stack[sp].w; x = stack[sp].x; y = stack[sp].y; z = stack[sp].z; break; case RIGHT1:case RIGHT2:case RIGHT3:case RIGHT4: val = SignExtend(dvifp,command-RIGHT1+1); if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(val); break; case W0: if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(w); break; case W1:case W2:case W3:case W4: w = SignExtend(dvifp,command-W1+1); if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(w); break; case X0: if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(x); break; case X1:case X2:case X3:case X4: x = SignExtend(dvifp,command-X1+1); if (!SkipMode) MoveOver(x); break; case DOWN1:case DOWN2:case DOWN3:case DOWN4: val = SignExtend(dvifp,command-DOWN1+1); if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(val); break; case Y0: if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(y); break; case Y1:case Y2:case Y3:case Y4: y = SignExtend(dvifp,command-Y1+1); if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(y); break; case Z0: if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(z); break; case Z1:case Z2:case Z3:case Z4: z = SignExtend(dvifp,command-Z1+1); if (!SkipMode) MoveDown(z); break; case FNT1:case FNT2:case FNT3:case FNT4: if (InputWaiting(stdin)) { SkipMode = TRUE; SkipEOP = TRUE;} if (!SkipMode) SetFntNum(NoSignExtend(dvifp,command-FNT1+1)); break; case XXX1:case XXX2:case XXX3:case XXX4: k = NoSignExtend(dvifp,command-XXX1+1); while (k--) NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); break; case FNT_DEF1:case FNT_DEF2:case FNT_DEF3:case FNT_DEF4: if (PreLoad) { SkipFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, command-FNT_DEF1+1)); } else { ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, command-FNT_DEF1+1)); } break; case PRE: Fatal("PRE occurs within file"); break; case POST: if (SkipMode) fseek(dvifp, cpagep, 0); else { fseek(dvifp, (long) -2, 1); } SkipMode = FALSE; PagesLeft = 0; break; case POST_POST: Fatal("POST_POST with no preceding POST"); break; default: if (command >= FONT_00 && command <= FONT_63) {if (InputWaiting(stdin)) { SkipMode = TRUE; SkipEOP = TRUE;} if (!SkipMode) SetFntNum(command - FONT_00);} else if (command >= SETC_000 && command <= SETC_127) {if (!SkipMode) SetChar(command - SETC_000, command);} else Fatal("%d is an undefined command", command); break; } } /*-->AbortRun*/ /**********************************************************************/ /*************************** AbortRun *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void AbortRun(code) int code; { exit(code); } /*-->ActualFactor*/ /**********************************************************************/ /************************** ActualFactor ****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ float /* compute the actual size factor given the approximation */ ActualFactor(unmodsize) int unmodsize; /* actually factor * 1000 */ { float realsize; /* the actual magnification factor */ realsize = (float)unmodsize / 1000.0; /* a real hack to correct for rounding in some cases--rkf */ if(unmodsize==1095) realsize = 1.095445; /*stephalf*/ else if(unmodsize==1315) realsize=1.314534; /*stepihalf*/ else if(unmodsize==2074) realsize=2.0736; /*stepiv*/ else if(unmodsize==2488) realsize=2.48832; /*stepv*/ else if(unmodsize==2986) realsize=2.985984; /*stepiv*/ /* the remaining magnification steps are represented with sufficient accuracy already */ return(realsize); } /*-->AllDone*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** AllDone ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void AllDone() { char t; ResetTerm(); if (G_errenc && G_logging == 1) { fseek(G_logfp, 0, 0); while ((t=getc(G_logfp)) != EOF) putchar(t); } if (G_logging == 1) printf("Log file created\n"); AbortRun(G_errenc); } /*-->DoConv*/ int DoConv(num, den, convResolution) { register float conv; conv = ((float)num/(float)den) * #ifdef USEGLOBALMAG /* ActualFactor(mag) * why was this in as Actual Factor? jls */ ((float) mag/1000.0) * #endif ((float)convResolution/254000.0); return((int) (1.0 / conv + 0.5)); } /*-->Fatal*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** Fatal *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void Fatal(fmt, args)/* issue a fatal error message */ char *fmt; /* format */ char *args; /* arguments */ { if (G_logging == 1) { fprintf(G_logfp, "%s: FATAL--", G_progname); _doprnt(fmt, &args, G_logfp); fprintf(G_logfp, "\n"); } ResetTerm(); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr, "%s: FATAL--", G_progname); _doprnt(fmt, &args, stderr); fprintf(stderr, "\n\n"); if (G_logging == 1) printf("Log file created\n"); AbortRun(1); } /*-->FindPostAmblePtr*/ /**********************************************************************/ /************************ FindPostAmblePtr **************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void FindPostAmblePtr(postambleptr) long *postambleptr; /* this routine will move to the end of the file and find the start of the postamble */ { int i; fseek (dvifp, (long) 0, 2); /* goto end of file */ *postambleptr = ftell (dvifp) - 4; fseek (dvifp, *postambleptr, 0); while (TRUE) { fseek (dvifp, --(*postambleptr), 0); if (((i = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) != 223) && (i != DVIFORMAT)) Fatal ("Bad end of DVI file"); if (i == DVIFORMAT) break; } fseek (dvifp, (*postambleptr) - 4, 0); (*postambleptr) = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); fseek (dvifp, *postambleptr, 0); } /*-->GetBytes*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** GetBytes *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void GetBytes(fp, cp, n) /* get n bytes from file fp */ register FILE *fp; /* file pointer */ register char *cp; /* character pointer */ register int n; /* number of bytes */ { while (n--) *cp++ = getc(fp); } /*-->GetFontDef*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** GetFontDef *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void GetFontDef() /*********************************************************************** Read the font definitions as they are in the postamble of the DVI file. Note that the font directory is not yet loaded. In order to adapt ourselves to the existing "verser" the following font paramters are copied onto output fontno (4 bytes), chksum, fontmag, fontnamelength (1 byte), fontname. At the end, a -1 is put onto the file. ***********************************************************************/ { char str[50], *calloc (); unsigned char byte; int i, fnamelen; while (((byte = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)) >= FNT_DEF1) && (byte <= FNT_DEF4)) { switch (byte) { case FNT_DEF1: ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1)); break; case FNT_DEF2: ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 2)); break; case FNT_DEF3: ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 3)); break; case FNT_DEF4: ReadFontDef (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4)); break; default: Fatal ("Bad byte value in font defs"); break; } } if (byte != POST_POST) Fatal ("POST_POST missing after fontdefs"); } /*-->GotInterrupt*/ /**********************************************************************/ /*************************** GotInterrupt ***************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void GotInterrupt(sig) /* don't leave terminal in a weird state */ int sig; { ResetTerm(); if (G_logging == 1) printf("Log file created\n"); AbortRun(G_errenc); } /*-->InitTerm*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** InitTerm *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void InitTerm() /* initialize terminal */ { screen = pr_open("/dev/bw0"); if (screen == NULL) { perror("pixel: "); exit(1); } display = screen; } /*-->InputWaiting*/ /**********************************************************************/ /************************* InputWaiting *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int InputWaiting(fp) FILE *fp; /* this routine returns TRUE if there is input waiting to be read and FALSE otherwise. note that it may take time to realize that there is input waiting so the routine may occasionaly be wrong. */ { long retval; if (fp->_cnt != 0) return(TRUE); ioctl(fileno(fp), FIONREAD, &retval); return((int)retval); } /*-->LoadRast*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** LoadRast *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void LoadRast(pxlfp, w, h) /* load raster pattern into BitGraph */ FILE *pxlfp; /* PXL file pointer */ int w; /* width of raster in pixels */ int h; /* height of raster in pixels */ { register int ew; /* extra word at end of row? */ register int t; /* temporary */ register int ww; /* width of raster in words */ ww = (w+15) / 16; ew = ww & 1; while (h--) { t = ww; while (t--) PutOut(NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2)); if (ew) NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2); } } /*-->MoveDown*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** MoveDown ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void MoveDown(a) int a; { v += a; } /*-->MoveOver*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** MoveOver ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void MoveOver(b) int b; { h += b; } /*-->OpenFontFile*/ /**********************************************************************/ /************************** OpenFontFile *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void OpenFontFile() /*********************************************************************** The original version of this dvi driver reopened the font file each time the font changed, resulting in an enormous number of relatively expensive file openings. This version keeps a cache of up to MAXOPEN open files, so that when a font change is made, the file pointer, pxlfp, can usually be updated from the cache. When the file is not found in the cache, it must be opened. In this case, the next empty slot in the cache is assigned, or if the cache is full, the least used font file is closed and its slot reassigned for the new file. Identification of the least used file is based on the counts of the number of times each file has been "opened" by this routine. On return, the file pointer is always repositioned to the beginning of the file. ***********************************************************************/ { register int i,least_used,current; #ifdef DEBUG if (Debug) printf("Open Font file\n"); #endif if (pfontptr == fontptr) return; /* we need not have been called */ for (current = 1; (current <= nopen) && (pixel_files[current].pixel_file_id != fontptr->font_file_id); ++current) ; /* try to find file in open list */ if (current <= nopen) /* file already open */ { pxlfp = pixel_files[current].pixel_file_id; fseek(pxlfp,0,0); /* reposition to start of file */ } else /* file not in open list */ { if (nopen < MAXOPEN) /* just add it to list */ current = ++nopen; else /* list full -- find least used file, */ { /* close it, and reuse slot for new file */ least_used = 1; for (i = 2; i <= MAXOPEN; ++i) if (pixel_files[least_used].use_count > pixel_files[i].use_count) least_used = i; fclose(pixel_files[least_used].pixel_file_id); current = least_used; } if ((pxlfp=BINARYOPEN(fontptr->name,"r")) == NULL) Fatal("PXL file \"%s\" could not be opened; %d PXL files are open", fontptr->name,nopen); pixel_files[current].pixel_file_id = pxlfp; pixel_files[current].use_count = 0; } pfontptr = fontptr; /* make previous = current font */ fontptr->font_file_id = pxlfp; /* set file identifier */ pixel_files[current].use_count++; /* update reference count */ } /*-->PixRound*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** PixRound *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int PixRound(x, conv) /* return rounded number of pixels */ register int x; /* in DVI units */ int conv; /* conversion factor */ { return((int)((x + (conv >> 1)) / conv)); } /*-->PutOut*/ /**********************************************************************/ /****************************** PutOut ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void PutOut(x) /* put a 16-bit raster pattern to the BitGraph */ register int x; /* number to put out */ { int negative; /* was x negative? */ register int part1, part2, part3; /* parts of number */ negative = FALSE; if (x < 0) { negative = TRUE; x = -x; } part1 = (x & 0xfc00) >> 10; part2 = (x & 0x03f0) >> 4; part3 = (x & 0x000f); if (part1) { putchar(0100+part1); putchar(0100+part2); } else if (part2) putchar(0100+part2); if (negative) putchar(040+part3); else putchar(060 + part3); } /*-->ReadFontDef*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** ReadFontDef ***************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int ReadFontDef(k) int k; { int t, i; register struct font_entry *tfontptr; /* temporary font_entry pointer */ register struct char_entry *tcharptr;/* temporary char_entry pointer */ char *direct, *tcp, *tcp1; int found; char curarea[STRSIZE]; if ((tfontptr = NEW(struct font_entry)) == NULL) Fatal("can't malloc space for font_entry"); tfontptr->next = hfontptr; fontptr = hfontptr = tfontptr; tfontptr->k = k; tfontptr->c = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* checksum */ tfontptr->s = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* space size */ tfontptr->d = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* design size */ tfontptr->a = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); /* area length for font name */ tfontptr->l = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); /* device length */ GetBytes(dvifp, tfontptr->n, tfontptr->a+tfontptr->l); tfontptr->n[tfontptr->a+tfontptr->l] = '\0'; tfontptr->font_space = tfontptr->s/6; /* never used */ tfontptr->font_mag = (int)((ActualFactor((int)(((float)tfontptr->s/ (float)tfontptr->d)*1000.0 + 0.5)) * #ifdef USEGLOBALMAG ActualFactor(mag) * #endif (float)RESOLUTION * 5.0) + 0.5); if (tfontptr->a != 0) { sprintf(tfontptr->name, "%s.%dpxl", tfontptr->n, tfontptr->font_mag); } else { direct = PXLpath; found = FALSE; do { tcp = index(direct, ':'); if (tcp == NULL) tcp = strlen(direct) + direct; strncpy(curarea, direct, tcp-direct); tcp1 = curarea + (tcp - direct); *tcp1++ = '/'; *tcp1++ = '\0'; sprintf(tfontptr->name, "%s%s.%dpxl", curarea, tfontptr->n, tfontptr->font_mag); found = (access(tfontptr->name, READ) == 0); if (*tcp) direct = tcp + 1; else direct = tcp; } while ( !found && *direct != '\0'); } if (tfontptr != pfontptr) OpenFontFile(); if ((t = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4)) != PXLID) Fatal("PXL ID = %d, can only process PXL ID = %d files", t, PXLID); fseek(pxlfp, -20, 2); t = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4); if ((tfontptr->c != 0) && (t != 0) && (tfontptr->c != t)) Warning("font = \"%s\",\n-->font checksum = %d,\n-->dvi checksum = %d", tfontptr->name, tfontptr->c, t); tfontptr->magnification = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4); tfontptr->designsize = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4); fseek(pxlfp, NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4) * 4, 0); for (i = FIRSTPXLCHAR; i <= LASTPXLCHAR; i++) { tcharptr = &(tfontptr->ch[i]); tcharptr->width = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2); tcharptr->height = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 2); tcharptr->xOffset= SignExtend(pxlfp, 2); tcharptr->yOffset = SignExtend(pxlfp, 2); tcharptr->where.isloaded = FALSE; tcharptr->where.address.fileOffset = NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4) * 4; tcharptr->tfmw = ((float)NoSignExtend(pxlfp, 4)*(float)tfontptr->s) / (float)(1<<20); } } /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** ReadInt *******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ /* this routine is used to read in an integer from the stdin stream. This routine is necessary since the terminal is running in CBREAK mode and therefore will not do editing of the input stream for one. */ ReadInt() { int value = 0; int byte; while ((byte = getchar()) != /* tcb.t_brkc */ 10) { if (byte >= 48 /* "0" */ && byte <= 57 /* "9" */) value = value * 10 + byte - 48; if (byte == tty.sg_erase) value = value / 10; } return(value); } /*-->ReadPostAmble*/ /**********************************************************************/ /************************** ReadPostAmble ***************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void ReadPostAmble() /*********************************************************************** This routine is used to read in the postamble values. It initializes the magnification and checks the stack height prior to starting printing the document. ***********************************************************************/ { FindPostAmblePtr (&postambleptr); if (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1) != POST) Fatal ("POST missing at head of postamble"); #ifdef DEBUG if (Debug) fprintf (stderr, "got POST command\n"); #endif /* lastpageptr = */ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); num = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); den = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); mag = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); hconv = DoConv(num, den, hconvRESOLUTION); vconv = DoConv(num, den, vconvRESOLUTION); NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* height-plus-depth of tallest page */ NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); /* width of widest page */ if (NoSignExtend(dvifp, 2) >= STACKSIZE) Fatal ("Stack size is too small"); NoSignExtend(dvifp, 2); /* this reads the number of pages in */ /* the DVI file */ #ifdef DEBUG if (Debug) fprintf (stderr, "now reading font defs"); #endif GetFontDef (); } /*-->ResetTerm*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** ResetTerm *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void ResetTerm() /* Reset Terminal */ { if (G_interactive) ioctl(0, TIOCSETP, &G_intty); /* restore modes */ } /*-->SetChar*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** SetChar ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ int buffer[8]; LoadAChar(ptr) register struct char_entry *ptr; { register struct pixrect *pr; register int nshorts, i, col, nints; register short *dp, *sp; if (ptr->where.address.fileOffset == 0) { ptr->where.address.pixrectptr = NULL; return; } OpenFontFile(); fseek(pxlfp, ptr->where.address.fileOffset, 0); nshorts = (ptr->width + 15) >> 4; pr = mem_create(ptr->width, ptr->height, 1); nints = (nshorts + 1) >> 1; dp = ((struct mpr_data *)pr->pr_data)->md_image; for (col = 0; col < ptr->height; col++) { fread(buffer, 4, nints, pxlfp); sp = (short *) &buffer[0]; for (i = nshorts; i > 0; i--) *dp++ = *sp++; } ptr->where.address.pixrectptr = pr; ptr->where.isloaded = TRUE; } void SetChar(c, command) int c, command; { register struct char_entry *ptr; /* temporary char_entry pointer */ int k; ptr = &(fontptr->ch[c]); hh = PixRound(h, hconv); vv = PixRound(v, vconv); if (!ptr->where.isloaded) LoadAChar(ptr); pr_rop(display, hh-ptr->xOffset-xscreen, vv-ptr->yOffset-yscreen, ptr->width, ptr->height, PIX_SRC | PIX_DST, ptr->where.address.pixrectptr, 0, 0); if (command <= SET4) h += ptr->tfmw; } /*-->SetFntNum*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** SetFntNum *****************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void SetFntNum(k) int k; /* this routine is used to specify the font to be used in printing future characters */ { fontptr = hfontptr; while ((fontptr!=NULL) && (fontptr->k!=k)) fontptr = fontptr->next; if (fontptr == NULL) Fatal("font %d undefined", k); } /*-->SetRule*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** SetRule ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void SetRule(a, b, Set) int a, b; BOOLEAN Set; { /* this routine will draw a rule on the screen */ int ehh, evv; hh = PixRound(h, hconv); vv = PixRound(v-a, vconv); ehh = PixRound(h + b, hconv); evv = PixRound(v, vconv); if (hh == ehh) ehh++; if (vv == evv) vv--; if ((a > 0) && (b > 0)) pr_rop(display, hh-xscreen, vv-yscreen, ehh-hh, evv-vv, PIX_SET, NULL, 0, 0); if (Set) { h += b; /* v += a; */ } } /*-->SkipFontDef*/ /**********************************************************************/ /**************************** SkipFontDef ***************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void SkipFontDef(k) int k; { int a, l; char n[STRSIZE]; NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); NoSignExtend(dvifp, 4); a = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); l = NoSignExtend(dvifp, 1); GetBytes(dvifp, n, a+l); } /*-->Warning*/ /**********************************************************************/ /***************************** Warning ******************************/ /**********************************************************************/ void Warning(fmt, args) /* issue a warning */ char *fmt; /* format */ char *args; /* arguments */ { if (G_logging == 0) { G_logfp=fopen(G_Logname,"w+"); G_logging = 1; if (G_logfp == NULL) G_logging = -1; } G_errenc = TRUE; if (G_logging == 1) { _doprnt(fmt, &args, G_logfp); fprintf(G_logfp,"\n"); } }