% % \iffalse %% Description: LaTeX package for AIAA technical conference papers. %% Keywords: LaTeX, class, AIAA, BibTeX, bibliographic-style %% Author: Bil Kleb, Bill Wood, Erich Knausenberger %% Maintainer: same %% Version: 3.6 <23 May 2004> %% %% Run (PDF)LaTeX on `aiaa.dtx' to obtain a Users Manual and code %% documentation. Note: to get detailed code documentation you need to %% comment out the \OnlyDescription line in `aiaa.dtx'. %% %% See `aiaa.ins' and the Users Manual for installation instructions. %% % \fi % % \def\filename{aiaa.dtx} % \def\fileversion{3.6} % \def\filedate{2004/05/23} % \def\docdate{\filedate} % \date{\docdate} % % \newcommand*{\cls}[1]{\textsf{#1}} % \newcommand*{\pkg}[1]{\textsf{#1}} % \newcommand*{\file}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % \newcommand*{\kbd}[1]{\texttt{#1}} % % \MakeShortVerb{\|} % % \CheckSum{524} % %% \CharacterTable %% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z %% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z %% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9 %% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \# %% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \& %% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \) %% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \, %% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/ %% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \< %% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \? %% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\ %% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_ %% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \| %% Right brace \} Tilde \~} % % \title{% % AIAA\thanks{American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics.}\ \ % \LaTeX{} Package Users Manual\thanks{This document describes % \textsf{aiaa} version \fileversion\ that came of age on \docdate.} % } % % \author{% % Bil Kleb\thanks{Research Scientist} % \ and Bill Wood\textsuperscript{\ensuremath{\ddagger}}\\ % {\normalsize\itshape NASA, Hampton, Viriginia}\\ % \and % Erich Knausenberger\thanks{Business Developer}\\ % {\normalsize\itshape AIAA, Reston, Virginia} % } % % \date{\vspace{-5ex}} % % \maketitle % % \begin{abstract} % This document describes the \textsf{aiaa} \LaTeX\ package that % provides a \LaTeX\ class (\file{aiaa-tc.cls}) and \BibTeX\ % bibliography style file (\file{aiaa.bst}). % The files in this package are used to create AIAA technical conference % papers. % The package also contains a users manual (you are looking at it) and % two templates, a bare-bones sample and an advanced sample. % \end{abstract} % % \tableofcontents % % \section{Introduction} % % The AIAA class works by loading the standard \LaTeX\ article class and % several LaTeX packages, and then making modifications and extensions % to suit the AIAA layout requirements.\footnote{% % The older, unofficial AIAA distribution that yields two-column layout % is available in the distribution's `pre2004' subdirectory.} % The AIAA \BibTeX\ style file was created with Daly's makebst program % and then tweaked according to AIAA conventions. % In addition, abbreviations for the AIAA journals and more common % aerospace journals were added. % % \subsection{Requirements} % % To make use of the AIAA technical conferenece paper class and process % the AIAA bare-bones template, you will need the following files:\\[3pt] % \begin{tabular}{llll} % \cls{article.cls} &\pkg{graphicx.sty}&\pkg{array.sty} &\pkg{setspace.sty}\\ % \pkg{overcite.sty}&\pkg{lastpage.sty}&\pkg{fancyhdr.sty} % \end{tabular}\\[3pt] % These should be included as part of your \TeX\ distribution. % Note: \pkg{setspace} is only necessary if using the |submit| class % option described below. % % To explore some of \LaTeX's more advanced features such as imbedded % figures, tables with footnotes, hyperlinks, subfigures, dropped % capitals at the beginning of paragraphs, automatic nomenclature % collection and sorting, and bibliography generation that are % demonstrated in the advanced template, you will need the following % \LaTeX\ packages,\\[3pt] % \begin{tabular}{rl} % \pkg{ifthen} & plain text conditionals \\ % \pkg{dcolumn} & decimal-aligned tabular math columns \\ % \pkg{fancyvrb} & extended verbatim environments \\ % \pkg{subfigure} & subcaptions for subfigures \\ % \pkg{nomencl} & nomenclature generation via Makeindex \\ % \pkg{hyperref} & hyperlinks such as email or URLs \\ % \pkg{threeparttable} & tables with footnotes \\ % \pkg{wrapfig} & integrate figures and tables in text % (i.e., DiVinci style) \\ % % \pkg{lettrine} & dropped capital letter at beginning of paragraph \\ % \pkg{subfigmat} & matrices of similar subfigures, aka small multiples \\ % \pkg{dropping} & an alternative dropped capital letter package % \end{tabular}\\[3pt] % \noindent The above packages are ordered according to the likelihood % that they are included with any given \TeX\ distribution. % The last three you will most likely have to download from CTAN % (\href{http://www.ctan.org}{www.ctan.org}) and add to your \TeX\ % distribution according to its instructions for adding new packages, or % just place them in your local working directory. % Please see the Known Problems section before exploring the advanced example. % % \subsection{User's Manual} % % A PDF version of this Users Manual is provided as part of the distribution. % It was created by processing \file{aiaa.dtx} with \kbd{pdflatex}. % Of course a PostScript version can be made by using \kbd{latex}. % % If you are new to LaTeX, you should first read {\it A (not so) Short % Introduction to \LaTeX, or \LaTeX\ in 131 minutes}, which is % available in a variety of languages from the Comprehensive \TeX\ % Archive Network (CTAN) website, % \href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/}% % {www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/lshort/}. % % \subsection{Installation and Setup} % % If you have not already run \file{aiaa.ins} through \LaTeX{}, do so. % The \pkg{docscript} utility (part of \LaTeX{}) will rip the code % segments out of \file{aiaa.dtx} and save them in several files. % If you encounter an error on installation like:\\[5pt] % | ! Undefined control sequence|\\ % | \batchLine -> generate|\\ % | {\file {aiaa-tc.cls}{\from{aiaa.dtx}{class}}}|\\ % | 1.728 \processbatchFile|\\[5pt] % it means that your \pkg{docstrip} is very old and that you will need % to update your \TeX\ distribution to take advantage of the AIAA package. % % Move \file{aiaa-tc.cls} to a directory searched by \TeX\footnote{% % For a Unix te\TeX{} installation, a privileged user could % put these files in a directory named something like % \kbd{/usr/local/share/texmf/tex/latex/aiaa}\ for the entire site to % use, remembering to run \kbd{texhash} to reconfigure te\TeX{} to % search the new directory; or, a lowly user could make their own % directory, e.g., \kbd{$\sim$/tex/inputs}, put the files in % there, and set the environment variable \kbd{TEXINPUTS} via % `\kbd{setenv TEXINPUTS $\sim$/tex/inputs:}'. % The colon represents the system search path so, in this case, the user % files take precedence. % On a Mac or PC installation put these files in a folder named % something like \file{TeX-inputs}.} % and the file \file{aiaa.bst} to a directory searched by % \BibTeX.\footnote{% % Similar to preceding footnote, only on Unix, use the % environment variable \kbd{BSTINPUTS} for the bibliographic style file % and \kbd{BIBINPUTS} for the bibliographic database; for Mac's, use the % \file{BibTeX-inputs} folder, failing that try using the % \file{TeX-inputs} folder.} % Once things are installed, try to \LaTeX\ the bare-bones template. % It should produce something similar to the existing PDF copy. % % \section{Usage} % % The AIAA class is envoked by including\\[5pt] % | \documentclass[|{\itshape options}|]{aiaa-tc}|\\[5pt] % at the beginning of your document. % The AIAA class recognizes a |handcarry| option that places paper % number, conference information, and copyright information in the paper % when hand carrying papers to a ``loose papers'' conference, and a % `submit' option that increases font size and line spacing. % Other cptions are passed on to \LaTeX's \cls{article} class that is % subsequently loaded by the AIAA class.\footnote{% % For example, the \kbd{draft} option replaces figures with a % labeled box of the appropriate size and graphically depicts lines that % overrun the right margin (overfull boxes).} % The document is written just like one were using the standard \LaTeX{} % \cls{article} document class; and thus, usage is well documented by % others in various \LaTeX{} books~\cite{companion,guide,latex}. % However, some of the stock commands have slightly different behaviors % and there are a few new commands designed to make life a little brighter; % these are discussed in the following sections. % % \subsection{General Commands} % % Several standard \LaTeX{} commands have been modified to behave % slightly differently in the \cls{aiaa-tc} class. % In addition, several new commands have been introduced to ease % document preparation. % Both types are discussed in the following subsections. % % \subsubsection{New Behavior from Standard Commands} % % \DescribeMacro{\date} % \DescribeMacro{\maketitle} % The \cls{aiaa-tc} class does not typeset the |\date| command as part of % |\maketitle|. % Standard \LaTeX{} behavior of |\maketitle| is to typeset the current % date as part of the title section. % one would have to issue a command like, |\date{\vspace{-5ex}}|, % to eliminate the date and removed the space created for it. % % \DescribeEnv{abstract} % The |abstract| environment has been redefined within the \cls{aiaa-tc} % class to produce slightly different typesetting. % It now produces an indented block of text set in a smaller, bold font. % This environment should be placed after your |\maketitle|. % % \DescribeMacro{\section} % \DescribeMacro{\subsection} % \DescribeMacro{\subsubsection} % \DescribeMacro{\paragraph} % \DescribeMacro{\subparagraph} % The counters, fonts, sizes, and positions normally produced by % these commands have been modified to produce AIAA layout guidelines. % % \subsubsection{New Command} % % \DescribeMacro{\thanksibid} % The command |\thanksibid| is very similar to the standard % |\thanks| command which is used when footnoting % the author affliations within the |\author| field. % The distinction is that the |\thanksibid| command allows one % to repeat a given footnote symbol without repeating the associated % footnote text. For example,\\[3pt] % | \author{%|\\ % | Peter Gnoffo,%|\\ % | \thanks{Title, department, address, and member grade.}|\\ % | Bil Kleb,%|\\ % | \thanks{Title, department B, address, and member grade.}|\\ % | Bill Wood,%|\\ % | \thanksibid{2}%| \textit{use the same footnote as the second author.}\\ % | \ and|\\ % | Marge Myth%|\\ % | \thanks{Title, department C, address, and member grade.}|\\ % | }|\\[3pt] % Thus, |\thanksibid{2}| would only produce a footnote symbol % at the end of Bill Wood's name and it would not generate % any footnote text. % Note that using the |\thanksibid| command does not increment the % footnote counter, so for the case given above, an argument of |4| % would not be a valid choice. % % \subsection{Hand Carry Information} % % \DescribeMacro{handcarry} % The following commands are used to load information that is % used by the |handcarry| class option. % For example,\\[3pt] % | \documentclass[handcarry]{aiaa-tc}|\\[3pt] % The following commands are used produce appropriate headers and footers % All of these commands are normally set in the preamble % of your document (similar to |\author| and |\title|).\footnote{% % The preamble is defined as anywhere between the % \cs{documentclass}\texttt{\string{\string}} and % \cs{begin}\texttt{\string{document\string}} commands.} % % \DescribeMacro{\AIAApapernumber} % \DescribeMacro{\AIAAconference} % \DescribeMacro{\AIAAcopyright} % The commands |\AIAApapernumber|, |\AIAAconference|, and |\AIAAcopyright| % are used to put appropriate items in the header and footer of each page. % The contents of |\AIAApapernumber| is placed in the footer while the % contents of |\AIAAconference| is placed in the header. % For example,\\[3pt] % | \AIAAapernumber{2004-3932}|\\ % | \AIAAConference{16th AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference,|\\ % | June 6--8, Portland, Oregon}|\\[3pt] % A footnote describing the copyright conditions % and other information about the document are incorporated via the % |\AIAAcopyright|. % This command should be loaded with one of the the copyright series % of commands: |\CopyrightA|, |\CopyrightB|, |\CopyrightC|, or % |\CopyrightD|, described below. % To use, simply include something like the following in % the your document's preamble:\\[3pt] % | \AIAAcopyright{\CopyrightA{2004}}|\\[3pt] % \DescribeMacro{\CopyrightA} % \DescribeMacro{\CopyrightB} % \DescribeMacro{\CopyrightC} % \DescribeMacro{\CopyrightD} % \DescribeMacro{\CopyrightDAPL} % where the specific copyright commands will expand to one of the standard AIAA % forms: A, B, C, D, or D-APL. % Note: they each have different arguments, or no arguments, depending % on their requirements,\\[3pt] % | \CopyrightA{|\textit{year}|}|\\ % | \CopyrightB{|\textit{year}|}{|\textit{full name or company}|}|\\ % | \CopyrightC|\\ % | \CopyrightD{|\textit{year}|}|\\ % | \CopyrightDAPL{|\textit{year}|}|\\[3pt] % See AIAA copyright instructions for which form to use. % % \subsection{Journal Submission} % % \DescribeMacro{submit} % The |submit| option class option that is invoked as follows,\\[3pt] % | \documentclass[submit]{aiaa-tc}|\\[3pt] % \DescribeMacro{\AIAAsubmitinfo} % will increase the font size and line spacing as well as place a % running footer according to the contents of |\AIAAsubmitinfo|. % For example,\\[3pt] % | \AIAAsubmitinfo{Abbreviated Title, AuthorsLastName et al}|\\[3pt] % will place an abbreviated title and the authors last name at the % bottom of each page. % % \subsection{Making Modifications} % % If you feel the need to modify the behavior of items in % \cls{aiaa-tc.cls}, simply cut the section you want to change and save % it to a file named \file{myaiaamods.sty}. % Then modify the code in \file{myaiaamods.sty} to suit your needs and % include it in your document via |\usepackage{myaiaamods}| in the % preamble. % % \subsection{Getting Help} % % For general questions related to AIAA papers, procedures, and guidelines, % send email to % \href{mailto:Paper_Tech_Support@AIAA.Org}{Paper\_Tech\_Support@AIAA.Org}. % For help /specific/ to this AIAA \LaTeX\ distribution, send email to % \href{mailto:LaTeX_Support@AIAA.Org}{LaTeX\_Support@AIAA.Org}. % % For general \LaTeX\ help, see the {\it The (not so) Short Introduction % to \LaTeX} mentioned above, {\it \LaTeX: A Document Preparation % System} (2nd ed.) by Lamport, and {\it The LaTeX Companion} (2nd ed.) % by Mittelbach et al.~\cite{companion} % For more specific \LaTeX\ help, do a Google `groups' search on the % comp.text.tex USENET newsgroup and explore the \TeX\ User Group's frequently % asked questions site last seen at % \href{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html}% % {www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html}. % If these avenues fail to answer your question, read % \href{http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=askquestion}% % {www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=askquestion} % and post a question to the \href{news:comp.text.tex}{comp.text.tex} % USENET newsgroup. % (Posting is available through \href{http://www.google.com/}{Google}.) % % For an extensive guide to using Encapsulated PostScript in \LaTeX, see % Keith Reckdahl's \file{epslatex} document available from CTAN's \file{info} % directory, % \href{http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/}{www.ctan.org/tex-archive/info/} % or various \LaTeX{} reference books. % % Especially helpful in locating various \LaTeX{} packages is % the \kbd{Catalogue.html} web page found in the \file{help/Catalogue} % directory of CTAN. % % \subsection{Known Problems} % % The bibliographic style sheet |aiaa.bst| isn't fully tested; and thus, % you may need to fiddle with your |.bbl| file for your final copy, % i.e., edit |file.bbl| after running a \LaTeX{}, \BibTeX, \LaTeX\ % sequence, but before running \LaTeX{} the final time. % Note: If you run \BibTeX\ after modifying |file.bbl|, you will lose % your modifications when \LaTeX\ is run again. % % To typeset the advanced example, you will need a fairly complete \LaTeX{} % distribution, and even then you will probably need to download packages % like \pkg{dropping} or \pkg{lettine} as described in the Requirements % section. % Also, some packages will need to be newer than 2002 or so. % For example, older versions of the \pkg{nomenclature} package will % given an error like\\[3pt] % | ! Undefined control sequence.| % | \nomitemsep | % while older versions of the \pkg{geometry} package will give\\[3pt] % | ERROR: Package keyval Error: No value specified for paper.| % % \subsection{Sending a Bug Report} % % Reports of bugs in the AIAA package are most welcome. % Before filing a bug report, please take the following actions: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Verify your problem is not due to your own input file(s) % styles sheet(s), or package(s); % \item Check to see if your problem is documented in the preceeding % section; % \item Try to isolate the problem by writing a {\it minimal} \LaTeX\ % input file which reproduces the unexpected behavior and then: % \begin{enumerate} % \item Include the command\\ % | \setcounter{errorcontextlines}{50}|\\ % in the preamble of your document to provide extra context when % things go awry; % \item Run your file through \LaTeX{}; % \item Send a description of your problem, the input file and the % log file via e-mail to: % \href{mailto:LaTeX_Support@AIAA.Org?subject=bug}% % {LaTeX\_Support@AIAA.Org}. % \end{enumerate} % \end{enumerate} % % \section{Acknowledgments} % % Foremost, the authors would like to thank all of those that took the % time to ask questions, give comments, or provide suggestions: % Karen Bibb, Steve Alter, Meelan Choudhari, Donald Arseneau, Ed Kerschen, % Paolo Lisandrin, Mark Woodmansee, Dominique Pelletier, Manual Cruz, % Martin Sanchez, Chris Rumsey, Ray Chase, % and Tadashi Minowa. % Without their feedback, this package would wither.\footnote{% % Hint: If you want to be listed in future versions of this document, % send kudos, comments, and so on to % \href{mailto:LaTeX_Support@AIAA.Org}{LaTeX\_Support@AIAA.Org}.} % % Bundling and documenting this \pkg{aiaa} package in docstrip % format was done by using other packages as a model, % particularly, Mats Dahlgren's \pkg{dropping}~\cite{dropping} % and Jeff Goldberg et al.'s \pkg{endfloat}~\cite{endfloat}. % % Finally, the first author would like to thank the people of the % |comp.text.tex| newsgroup, the \TeX\ Users Group Frequently Asked % Questions maintainers, and various package authors for patiently % answering my inane questions, in particular, but in no particular order: % Donald Arsenau, Robin Fairbairns, Piet van Oostrum, Jeroen Nijhof, % Steven Douglas Cochran, Herbert Voss, Jeffrey Goldberg, Mark Wooding, % Paul Foley, David Kastrup, Jerry Leichter, Patrick Daly, David % Carlisle, Edward Sznyter, and Jim Hefferon. % % \begin{thebibliography}{1} % % \bibitem{companion} % Frank Mittelbach, Michel Goossens, Johannes Bramms, David Carlisle, % and Chris Rowley. % \newblock{\em The {\LaTeX} Companion}. % \newblock 2nd ed. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 2004. % % \bibitem{guide} % Helmut Kopka and Patrick W. Daly. % \newblock{\em A Guide to {\LaTeXe}: Tools and Techniques for Computer % Typesetting}. % \newblock 4th ed. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 2003. % % \bibitem{latex} % Leslie Lamport. % \newblock{\em {\LaTeX}: A Document Preparation System}. % \newblock 2nd ed. % \newblock Addison-Wesley, Reading, Massachusetts, 1994. % % \bibitem{dropping} % Mats Dahlgren. % \newblock \pkg{dropping}---A \LaTeX{} Macro for Dropping % the First Character(s) of a Paragraph. % \newblock June 1996. (version~0.1) % \newblock Electronic Documentation. % % \bibitem{graphicx} % David Carlisle. % \newblock Packages in the `graphics' bundle. % \newblock December 1995. % \newblock Electronic Documentation. % % \bibitem{endfloat} % James Darrell McCauley and Jeff Goldberg. % \newblock The \texttt{endfloat} Package. % \newblock October 1995. (version~2.4i) % \newblock Electronic Documentation. % % \end{thebibliography} % % \section{Code Documentation} % % For the interested reader, the following sections can be made to % contain a documented verion of the class code and bibliographic style file. % These detailed coding bits are not included in the Users Manual by % default. % If you want to see these in typeset form, you need to comment % out the |\OnlyDescription| line in the || section of % \file{aiaa.dtx} and process \file{aiaa.dtx} with (PDF)\LaTeX. % % \begin{macrocode} %<*driver> \documentclass{ltxdoc} \usepackage[colorlinks]{hyperref} \OnlyDescription % comment out to typeset class and bibstyle code \begin{document} \DocInput{aiaa.dtx} \end{document} % % \end{macrocode} % % \StopEventually{\PrintChanges} % % \subsection{The Class} % % First, the opening header: % \begin{macrocode} %<*class> %% %% `aiaa-tc.cls' - A LaTeX class to create AIAA technical conference papers. %% %% The basic approach is to load the LaTeX article class and various %% standard LaTeX packages, and then make modifications and extensions to %% conform to AIAA's guidelines. %% %% To use, simply select this class file in your LaTeX document. For example, %% %% \documentclass{aiaa-tc} %% %% Class options: %% %% handcarry - used for hand carrying a paper to a 'loose papers' %% conference. It adds the conference name to the %% top of the first page, paper number to the bottom %% of each page, and a copyright notice on the bottom %% of the first %% %% submit - produces output typically required for journal submission, %% i.e., 12pt font and 'double spacing'. %% %% plus those accepted by the standard article class such as 'draft'. %% %% Class-specific commands: %% %% \thanksibid{} - Reuses \thanks footnote symbol from previous %% author specified by position in \author command. %% For example, `someone\thanksibid{2}' will reuse the %% footnote symbol from the second author for 'someone' %% without producing a repeated footnote at the bottom. %% %% \AIAApapernumber{} - For use with 'handcarry' option. %% \AIAAconference{} - Ditto. %% \AIAAcopyright{} - Ditto. Must be filled with one of the %% various copyright types: \AIAAcopyrightA{year}, %% \AIAAcopyrightB{year}{holder}, \AIAAcopyrightC, %% \AIAAcopyrightD{year}, or \AIAAcopyrightDAPL{year}. %% %% \AIAAsubmitinfo{} - Footer information used by 'submit' option. %% %% For support, further details, and a documented version of this class, %% please read the Users Manual, aiaa.pdf, and the templates that come %% with the AIAA LaTeX distribution. %% %% Wish list: %% %% o fine tune hyperref behavior, especially footnote behavior %% %% o an \appendix command to switch section styles, counters, etc. %% %% o leave space for copyright notice so that handcarry option does %% not alter pagination. %% % \end{macrocode} % The class identifies itself: % \begin{macrocode} \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{aiaa-tc}[2004/04/03 v3.5 AIAA technical conference paper] % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{handcarry} % \begin{macro}{submit} % Option and associated flag. % Note that the flag is set when an option is processes, so that it is % overrides the default. % \begin{macrocode} \newif\if@aiaa@handcarry \newif\if@aiaa@submit \@aiaa@handcarryfalse \@aiaa@submitfalse \DeclareOption{handcarry}{\@aiaa@handcarrytrue\@aiaa@submitfalse} \DeclareOption{submit}{\@aiaa@submittrue\@aiaa@handcarryfalse} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % Pass all unknown options on to the \LaTeX\ article class % and process them. % Note: Options are processed in order of the |\DeclareOption| % commands in this file, so if you want one to take precedence % over all the other options, process it last. % \begin{macrocode} \DeclareOption*{\PassOptionsToClass{\CurrentOption}{article}% \typeout{Unknown option: passing ``\CurrentOption" option on to the standard LaTeX article class.}} \ProcessOptions % \end{macrocode} % Unless this is a journal submisssion, load the \LaTeX{} standard % article class with |letterpaper| and |10pt| options. % \begin{macrocode} \if@aiaa@submit \LoadClass[letterpaper,12pt]{article} \else \LoadClass[letterpaper,10pt]{article} \fi % \end{macrocode} % Load packages used by this class. % \begin{macrocode} \RequirePackage[margin=1in,top=0.75in,headheight=\baselineskip]% {geometry}% page layout \RequirePackage{graphicx}% images \RequirePackage{array}% extra row height \RequirePackage{overcite}% superscript, sorted, compressed citation commands \RequirePackage{lastpage}% to get reference for last page number \RequirePackage{fancyhdr}% simple control of headers and footers \if@aiaa@submit \RequirePackage{setspace}% control line spacing \fi % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\AIAApapernumber} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAconference} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAcopyright} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAsubmitinfo} % Define AIAA specific fields: % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand*{\AIAApapernumber}[1]{\def\aiaa@papernumber{#1}}\AIAApapernumber{} \newcommand*{\AIAAconference}[1]{\def\aiaa@conference{#1}}\AIAAconference{} \newcommand*{\AIAAcopyright}[1]{\def\aiaa@copyright{#1}}\AIAAcopyright{} \newcommand*{\AIAAsubmitinfo}[1]{\def\aiaa@submitinfo{#1}}\AIAAsubmitinfo{} % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % Tie |\intextsep| to |\baselineskip| to more tightly integrate layout % \begin{macrocode} \setlength{\intextsep}{0.7\baselineskip \@plus 2\p@ \@minus 1\p@} % \end{macrocode} % Change floating defaults to include `here' to promote text/float integration % \begin{macrocode} \def\fps@figure{htbp} \def\fps@table{htbp} % \end{macrocode} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAcopyrightA} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAcopyrightB} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAcopyrightC} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAcopyrightD} % \begin{macro}{\AIAAcopyrightDAPL} % Define AIAA copyright clauses for use when hand carrying % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand{\AIAAcopyrightA}[1]{Copyright \copyright\ #1 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. All rights reserved.}% rev 01/01/2002 \newcommand{\AIAAcopyrightB}[2]{Copyright \copyright\ #1 by #2. Published by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc.\ with permission.}% rev 01/01/2002 \newcommand{\AIAAcopyrightC}{This material is declared a work of the U.S. Government and is not subject to copyright protection in the United States.}% rev 01/01/2002 \newcommand{\AIAAcopyrightD}[1]{Copyright \copyright\ #1 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. The U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights under the copyright claimed herein for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner.}% rev 01/01/2002 \newcommand{\AIAAcopyrightDAPL}[1]{Copyright \copyright\ #1 by the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Inc. Under the copyright claimed herein, the U.S. Government has a royalty-free license to exercise all rights for Governmental purposes. All other rights are reserved by the copyright owner.}% rev 01/01/2002 % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\aiaa@makecopyright} % Typeset copyright notice as a footnote of the first page % \begin{macrocode} \newcommand\aiaa@makecopyright{% \begingroup \renewcommand\thefootnote{} \if@aiaa@handcarry\footnotetext{\aiaa@copyright}\fi \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\thanksibid} % Define |\thanksibid| command to reuse \thanks footnote symbol of a % previous author % \begin{macrocode} \newcounter{aiaa@cthanks} \newcounter{aiaa@cfootnote} \newcommand{\thanksibid}[1]{% \begingroup \setcounter{aiaa@cfootnote}{\value{footnote}}% store original \setcounter{aiaa@cthanks}{#1}% \renewcommand\thefootnote{\fnsymbol{aiaa@cthanks}}% \footnotemark% \setcounter{footnote}{\value{aiaa@cfootnote}}% reset to original \endgroup } % \end{macrocode} % \end{macro} % \begin{macro}{\maketitle} % Rework |\maketitle| a bit 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{ add.period$ write$ newline$ "\newblock " write$ } { output.state before.all = 'write$ { add.period$ " " * write$ } if$ } if$ mid.sentence 'output.state := } if$ s } FUNCTION {output} { duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$ 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {output.check} { 't := duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ } 'output.nonnull if$ } FUNCTION {fin.entry} { add.period$ write$ newline$ } FUNCTION {new.block} { output.state before.all = 'skip$ { after.block 'output.state := } if$ } FUNCTION {new.sentence} { output.state after.block = 'skip$ { output.state before.all = 'skip$ { after.sentence 'output.state := } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {add.blank} { " " * before.all 'output.state := } FUNCTION {date.block} { skip$ } FUNCTION {not} { { #0 } { #1 } if$ } FUNCTION {and} { 'skip$ { pop$ #0 } if$ } FUNCTION {or} { { pop$ #1 } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {non.stop} { duplicate$ "}" * add.period$ #-1 #1 substring$ "." = } FUNCTION {new.block.checka} { empty$ 'skip$ 'new.block if$ } FUNCTION {new.block.checkb} { empty$ swap$ empty$ and 'skip$ 'new.block if$ } FUNCTION {new.sentence.checka} { empty$ 'skip$ 'new.sentence if$ } FUNCTION {new.sentence.checkb} { empty$ swap$ empty$ and 'skip$ 'new.sentence if$ } FUNCTION {field.or.null} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {emphasize} { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ "" } { "{\em " swap$ * "\/}" * } if$ } FUNCTION {capitalize} { "u" change.case$ "t" change.case$ } FUNCTION {space.word} { " " swap$ * " " * } FUNCTION {bbl.and} { "and"} FUNCTION {bbl.editors} { "editors" } FUNCTION {bbl.editor} { "editor" } FUNCTION {bbl.edby} { "edited by" } FUNCTION {bbl.edition} { "ed." } FUNCTION {bbl.volume} { "Vol." } FUNCTION {bbl.of} { "of" } FUNCTION {bbl.number} { "No." } FUNCTION {bbl.nr} { "No." } FUNCTION {bbl.in} { "in" } FUNCTION {bbl.pages} { "pp." } FUNCTION {bbl.page} { "p." } FUNCTION {bbl.chapter} { "chap." } FUNCTION {bbl.techrep} { "Tech. Rep." } FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis} { "Master's thesis" } FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis} { "Ph.D. thesis" } FUNCTION {bbl.first} { "1st" } FUNCTION {bbl.second} { "2nd" } FUNCTION {bbl.third} { "3rd" } FUNCTION {bbl.fourth} { "4th" } FUNCTION {bbl.fifth} { "5th" } FUNCTION {bbl.st} { "st" } FUNCTION {bbl.nd} { "nd" } FUNCTION {bbl.rd} { "rd" } FUNCTION {bbl.th} { "th" } MACRO {jan} {"Jan."} MACRO {feb} {"Feb."} MACRO {mar} {"March"} MACRO {apr} {"April"} MACRO {may} {"May"} MACRO {jun} {"June"} MACRO {jul} {"July"} MACRO {aug} {"Aug."} MACRO {sep} {"Sept."} MACRO {oct} {"Oct."} MACRO {nov} {"Nov."} MACRO {dec} {"Dec."} MACRO {jan-feb} {"Jan.-Feb."} MACRO {mar-apr} {"Mar.-Apr."} MACRO {may-jun} {"May-Jun."} MACRO {jul-aug} {"Jul.-Aug."} MACRO {sep-oct} {"Sep.-Oct."} MACRO {nov-dec} {"Nov.-Dec."} FUNCTION {eng.ord} { duplicate$ "1" swap$ * #-2 #1 substring$ "1" = { bbl.th * } { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ duplicate$ "1" = { pop$ bbl.st * } { duplicate$ "2" = { pop$ bbl.nd * } { "3" = { bbl.rd * } { bbl.th * } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } MACRO {jsr} {"Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets"} MACRO {aa} {"Aerospace America"} MACRO {Sb} {"Space News"} MACRO {awst} {"Aviation Week \& Space Technology"} MACRO {jcp} {"Journal of Computational Physics"} MACRO {ijcfd} {"International Journal of Computational Fluid Dynamics"} MACRO {ijnme} {"International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering"} MACRO {acmcs} {"ACM Computing Surveys"} MACRO {acta} {"Acta Informatica"} MACRO {cacm} {"Communications of the ACM"} MACRO {ibmjrd} {"IBM Journal of Research and Development"} MACRO {ibmsj} {"IBM Systems Journal"} MACRO {ieeese} {"IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering"} MACRO {ieeetc} {"IEEE Transactions on Computers"} MACRO {ieeetcad} {"IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits"} MACRO {ipl} {"Information Processing Letters"} MACRO {jacm} {"Journal of the ACM"} MACRO {jcss} {"Journal of Computer and System Sciences"} MACRO {scp} {"Science of Computer Programming"} MACRO {sicomp} {"SIAM Journal on Computing"} MACRO {tocs} {"ACM Transactions on Computer Systems"} MACRO {tods} {"ACM Transactions on Database Systems"} MACRO {tog} {"ACM Transactions on Graphics"} MACRO {toms} {"ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software"} MACRO {toois} {"ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems"} MACRO {toplas} {"ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems"} MACRO {tcs} {"Theoretical Computer Science"} INTEGERS { nameptr namesleft numnames } FUNCTION {format.names} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { s nameptr "{vv~}{ll}{, jj}{, f.}" format.name$ 't := nameptr #1 > { namesleft #1 > { ", " * t * } { numnames #2 > { "," * } 'skip$ if$ t "others" = { " et~al." * } { bbl.and space.word * t * } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {format.names.ed} { 's := #1 'nameptr := s num.names$ 'numnames := numnames 'namesleft := { namesleft #0 > } { s nameptr "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" format.name$ 't := nameptr #1 > { namesleft #1 > { ", " * t * } { numnames #2 > { "," * } 'skip$ if$ t "others" = { " et~al." * } { bbl.and space.word * t * } if$ } if$ } 't if$ nameptr #1 + 'nameptr := namesleft #1 - 'namesleft := } while$ } FUNCTION {format.authors} { author empty$ { "" } { author format.names } if$ } FUNCTION {format.editors} { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.names editor num.names$ #1 > { ", " * bbl.editors * } { ", " * bbl.editor * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.in.editors} { editor empty$ { "" } { editor format.names.ed } if$ } FUNCTION {format.title} { title empty$ { "" } { title "\enquote{" swap$ * non.stop { ",} " * } { "} " * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {end.quote.title} { title empty$ 'skip$ { before.all 'output.state := } if$ } FUNCTION {output.bibitem} { newline$ "\bibitem{" write$ cite$ write$ "}" write$ newline$ "" before.all 'output.state := } FUNCTION {n.dashify} { 't := "" { t empty$ not } { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not { "--" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = } { "-" * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } while$ } if$ } { t #1 #1 substring$ * t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ } FUNCTION {word.in} { "" } FUNCTION {format.date} { year empty$ { month empty$ { "" } { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ month } if$ } { month empty$ 'year { month " " * year * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.btitle} { title emphasize } FUNCTION {tie.or.space.connect} { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 < { "~" } { " " } if$ swap$ * * } FUNCTION {either.or.check} { empty$ 'pop$ { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.bvolume} { volume empty$ { "" } { bbl.volume volume tie.or.space.connect series empty$ 'skip$ { bbl.of space.word * series emphasize * } if$ "volume and number" number either.or.check } if$ } FUNCTION {format.number.series} { volume empty$ { number empty$ { series field.or.null } { output.state mid.sentence = { bbl.number } { bbl.number capitalize } if$ number tie.or.space.connect series empty$ { "there's a number but no series in " cite$ * warning$ } { bbl.in space.word * series * } if$ } if$ } { "" } if$ } FUNCTION {is.num} { chr.to.int$ duplicate$ "0" chr.to.int$ < not swap$ "9" chr.to.int$ > not and } FUNCTION {extract.num} { duplicate$ 't := "" 's := { t empty$ not } { t #1 #1 substring$ t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := duplicate$ is.num { s swap$ * 's := } { pop$ "" 't := } if$ } while$ s empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ s } if$ } FUNCTION {convert.edition} { edition extract.num "l" change.case$ 's := s "first" = s "1" = or { bbl.first 't := } { s "second" = s "2" = or { bbl.second 't := } { s "third" = s "3" = or { bbl.third 't := } { s "fourth" = s "4" = or { bbl.fourth 't := } { s "fifth" = s "5" = or { bbl.fifth 't := } { s #1 #1 substring$ is.num { s eng.ord 't := } { edition 't := } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ } if$ t } FUNCTION {format.edition} { edition empty$ { "" } { output.state mid.sentence = { convert.edition "l" change.case$ " " * bbl.edition * } { convert.edition "t" change.case$ " " * bbl.edition * } if$ } if$ } INTEGERS { multiresult } FUNCTION {multi.page.check} { 't := #0 'multiresult := { multiresult not t empty$ not and } { t #1 #1 substring$ duplicate$ "-" = swap$ duplicate$ "," = swap$ "+" = or or { #1 'multiresult := } { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := } if$ } while$ multiresult } FUNCTION {format.pages} { pages empty$ { "" } { pages multi.page.check { bbl.pages pages n.dashify tie.or.space.connect } { bbl.page pages tie.or.space.connect } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.journal.pages} { pages empty$ 'skip$ { duplicate$ empty$ { pop$ format.pages } { ", " * bbl.pages "~" * * pages n.dashify * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.vol.num.pages} { volume field.or.null volume empty$ 'skip$ { bbl.volume "~" * swap$ * } if$ number empty$ 'skip$ { ", " bbl.nr * number tie.or.space.connect * volume empty$ { "there's a number but no volume in " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.chapter.pages} { chapter empty$ { "" } { type empty$ { bbl.chapter } { type "l" change.case$ } if$ chapter tie.or.space.connect } if$ } FUNCTION {format.in.ed.booktitle} { booktitle empty$ { "" } { editor empty$ { word.in booktitle emphasize * } { word.in booktitle emphasize * ", " * bbl.edby * " " * format.in.editors * } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {empty.misc.check} { author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$ month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ and and and and and { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ } FUNCTION {format.thesis.type} { type empty$ 'skip$ { pop$ type "t" change.case$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.tr.number} { type empty$ { bbl.techrep } 'type if$ number empty$ { "t" change.case$ } { number tie.or.space.connect } if$ } FUNCTION {format.article.crossref} { key empty$ { journal empty$ { "need key or journal for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" } { word.in journal emphasize * } if$ } { word.in key * " " *} if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.crossref.editor} { editor #1 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ editor num.names$ duplicate$ #2 > { pop$ " et~al." * } { #2 < 'skip$ { editor #2 "{ff }{vv }{ll}{ jj}" format.name$ "others" = { " et~al." * } { bbl.and space.word * editor #2 "{vv~}{ll}" format.name$ * } if$ } if$ } if$ } FUNCTION {format.book.crossref} { volume empty$ { "empty volume in " cite$ * "'s crossref of " * crossref * warning$ word.in } { bbl.volume volume tie.or.space.connect bbl.of space.word * } if$ editor empty$ editor field.or.null author field.or.null = or { key empty$ { series empty$ { "need editor, key, or series for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" * } { series emphasize * } if$ } { key * } if$ } { format.crossref.editor * } if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.incoll.inproc.crossref} { editor empty$ editor field.or.null author field.or.null = or { key empty$ { booktitle empty$ { "need editor, key, or booktitle for " cite$ * " to crossref " * crossref * warning$ "" } { word.in booktitle emphasize * } if$ } { word.in key * " " *} if$ } { word.in format.crossref.editor * " " *} if$ " \cite{" * crossref * "}" * } FUNCTION {format.publisher} { publisher empty$ { "empty publisher in " cite$ * warning$ } 'skip$ if$ "" address empty$ publisher empty$ and 'skip$ { publisher empty$ { address empty$ 'skip$ { address * } if$ } { publisher * address empty$ 'skip$ { ", " * address * } if$ } if$ } if$ output } FUNCTION {article} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.title "title" output.check end.quote.title crossref missing$ { journal emphasize "journal" output.check format.vol.num.pages output format.date "year" output.check } { format.article.crossref output.nonnull format.pages output } if$ format.journal.pages note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {book} { output.bibitem author empty$ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } { format.authors output.nonnull crossref missing$ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } 'skip$ if$ } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.bvolume output format.number.series output format.publisher } { format.book.crossref output.nonnull } if$ format.edition output format.date "year" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {booklet} { output.bibitem format.authors output format.title "title" output.check end.quote.title howpublished output address output format.date output note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {inbook} { output.bibitem author empty$ { format.editors "author and editor" output.check } { format.authors output.nonnull crossref missing$ { "author and editor" editor either.or.check } 'skip$ if$ } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check crossref missing$ { format.bvolume output format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check format.number.series output format.publisher } { format.chapter.pages "chapter and pages" output.check format.book.crossref output.nonnull } if$ format.edition output format.date "year" output.check format.pages "pages" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {incollection} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.title "title" output.check end.quote.title crossref missing$ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output format.chapter.pages output format.publisher format.edition output format.date "year" output.check } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull format.chapter.pages output } if$ format.pages "pages" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {inproceedings} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.title "title" output.check end.quote.title crossref missing$ { format.in.ed.booktitle "booktitle" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output publisher empty$ { organization output address output } { organization output format.publisher } if$ format.date "year" output.check } { format.incoll.inproc.crossref output.nonnull format.pages output } if$ format.pages "pages" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {conference} { inproceedings } FUNCTION {manual} { output.bibitem author empty$ { organization empty$ 'skip$ { organization output.nonnull address output } if$ } { format.authors output.nonnull } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check author empty$ { organization empty$ { address output } 'skip$ if$ } { organization output address output } if$ format.edition output format.date output note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {mastersthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.btitle "title" output.check bbl.mthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull school "school" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {misc} { output.bibitem format.authors output format.title output end.quote.title howpublished output format.date output note output fin.entry empty.misc.check } FUNCTION {phdthesis} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.btitle "title" output.check bbl.phdthesis format.thesis.type output.nonnull school "school" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {proceedings} { output.bibitem editor empty$ { organization output } { format.editors output.nonnull } if$ format.btitle "title" output.check format.bvolume output format.number.series output address empty$ { editor empty$ { publisher new.sentence.checka } { organization publisher new.sentence.checkb organization output } if$ publisher output format.date "year" output.check } { address output.nonnull format.date "year" output.check editor empty$ 'skip$ { organization output } if$ publisher output } if$ note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {techreport} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.title "title" output.check end.quote.title format.tr.number output.nonnull institution "institution" output.check address output format.date "year" output.check note output fin.entry } FUNCTION {unpublished} { output.bibitem format.authors "author" output.check format.title "title" output.check end.quote.title note "note" output.check fin.entry } FUNCTION {default.type} { misc } READ STRINGS { longest.label } INTEGERS { number.label longest.label.width } FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label} { "" 'longest.label := #1 'number.label := #0 'longest.label.width := } FUNCTION {longest.label.pass} { number.label int.to.str$ 'label := number.label #1 + 'number.label := label width$ longest.label.width > { label 'longest.label := label width$ 'longest.label.width := } 'skip$ if$ } EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label} ITERATE {longest.label.pass} FUNCTION {begin.bib} { preamble$ empty$ 'skip$ { preamble$ write$ newline$ } if$ "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" * write$ newline$ "\newcommand{\enquote}[1]{``#1''}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {begin.bib} EXECUTE {init.state.consts} ITERATE {call.type$} FUNCTION {end.bib} { newline$ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ } EXECUTE {end.bib} % % % \end{macrocode} % This concludes \file{aiaa.bst}. % % \Finale % % $Id: aiaa.dtx,v 1.11 2004/05/23 12:49:43 kleb Exp $