--- fancybox.sty 1.4 2010/05/15 - small changes to the code 1.3, September 19, 2000 (D.G./S.R.) - Corrections of the output routine for \LaTeX{} 2e compatibility (from Marcin Wolinski and Heiko Oberdiek). - Add a "\ProvidesPackage" command (from Heiko Oberdiek). 1.2, February 27, 1998 (D.G./S.R.) - Other adaptations for \LaTeX{} 2e. 1.1, 1997 (D.G./S.R.) - Minimal adaptations for \LaTeX{} 2e compatibility (macros "\fancypage", "\thisfancypage", "\fancyput", "\thisfancyput", "\@Landscape", "\LandScape"). 1.0, February 10, 1993 - Fixed bugs in "\boxput". - New "Beqnarray" environment. 0.93, January 20, 1993 - New "\EndVerbatimTokens" for tokens that precede "\end{Verbatim}". - New "\AltGetVerbatim", to allow any tokens to precede "\end{Verbatim}". - Fixed bug in "\BVerbatimInput" that caused second line to be repeated. - New "LandScape" environment, for rotating pages without rotating headers and footers. - Slide frames "Oval", "oval", "shadow" and "double" are defined when "seminar.sty" v0.93 (and maybe later) is loaded. 0.92, December 20, 1992 - New "\boxput" command for superimposing boxes. - New "\VerbatimFootnotes" command. - New "\VerbBox" command for verbatim boxes. - New "Sbox" environment. Makes "\beginsbox" and "\endsbox" obsolete, but the latter have been retained for compatibility. 0.91, November 25, 1992 - "\shadowsize" is now a length, to be set with "\setlength" or "\addtolength". - "\fancypage" split into "\fancypage" and "\fancyput" 0.9 November 23, 1992} First release. --- fancybox-doc.sty 2010/05/15 - revised documentation