\typeout{Supplement style option \string`GERMKORR\string' 1.0 \string<26 Jul 2009\string>} %% This LaTeX style file modifies the commands for quotation marks which %% are pre-defined in GERMAN.STY: GERMKORR.STY brings the lower single %% quotes (\glq), and the lower double quotes (\glqq or "`) nearer to a %% following letter C, G, O, Q, U, V, v, W, w, T, Y, \O, or \OE -- even %% if that letter has an usual accent; see the doumentation GERMKORR.TEX. %% KNOWN ERRORS: %% * GERMKORR will even do its job in typewriter fonts, where that is %% probably not wanted. Then, you have to switch GERMKORR off, e.g. as %% \texttt{\nogermkorr"`Text"'}, or \texttt{"`{}Text"'}! %% * GERMKORR can not handle accents which are related to more than one %% letter. "`\t{CC}"', therefore, will not be handled! %% * Concerning the TeX command \accent, GERMKORR in any case needs the %% two following arguments separated by a space, e.g. "`\accent 22 C"'! %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. %% GERMKORR (c) Timo Baumann 26.~Juli 2009 \def\next@kg{} \def\txen@kg{} \def\test@kg{} \def\allowhy@kg{{\nobreak \hskip 0pt plus 0pt}} \def\Otest@kg{O@} \def\Utest@kg{U@} \def\acckorr@kg#1{% \def\test@kg{#1}% \ifx#1C\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#1G\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#1O\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\test@kg\Otest@kg\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#1Q\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#1U\kern -0.09em\fi \ifx\test@kg\Utest@kg\kern -0.09em\fi \ifx#1V\kern -0.13em\fi \ifx#1v\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#1W\kern -0.11em\fi \ifx#1w\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#1T\kern -0.11em\fi \ifx#1Y\kern -0.13em\fi \ifx#1\O\kern -0.05em\fi \ifx#1\OE\kern -0.09em\fi \allowhy@kg\txen@kg{#1}} \def\accentnum@kg#1 #2{% \ifx#2C\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#2G\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#2O\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#2Q\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#2U\kern -0.09em\fi \ifx#2V\kern -0.13em\fi \ifx#2v\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#2W\kern -0.11em\fi \ifx#2w\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx#2T\kern -0.11em\fi \ifx#2Y\kern -0.13em\fi \ifx#2\O\kern -0.05em\fi \ifx#2\OE\kern -0.09em\fi \allowhy@kg\accent #1 #2} \def\getelse@kg{\allowhy@kg\txen@kg} \def\aktacckorr@kg#1{\ifx#1\dq@prtct \else \message{[ GERMKORR: Get unexpected \string#1 ] }\fi \acckorr@kg} \def\getarg@kg{\afterassignment\nextarg@kg\let\txen@kg= } \def\nextarg@kg{\bgroup \ifx\txen@kg\accent \expandafter\accentnum@kg\else \expandafter\getelse@kg\fi} \def\gonext@kg{\let\txen@kg=\next@kg \let\next@kg=\acckorr@kg} \def\goact@kg{\let\txen@kg=\next@kg \let\next@kg=\aktacckorr@kg} {\catcode`\"=13% \gdef\gqhkorr@kg{% \if@germkorr \ifx\next@kg C\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\next@kg G\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\next@kg O\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\next@kg Q\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\next@kg U\kern -0.09em\fi \ifx\next@kg V\kern -0.13em\fi \ifx\next@kg v\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\next@kg W\kern -0.11em\fi \ifx\next@kg w\kern -0.07em\fi \ifx\next@kg T\kern -0.11em\fi \ifx\next@kg Y\kern -0.13em\fi \ifx\next@kg \O\kern -0.05em\fi \ifx\next@kg \OE\kern -0.09em\fi \ifx\next@kg "\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \newumlaut\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \active@dq\goact@kg \fi \ifx\next@kg \bgroup \let\next@kg=\getarg@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \accent\let\next@kg=\accentnum@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \"\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \.\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \=\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \^\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \'\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \`\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \~\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \b\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \pb\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \c\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \pc\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \d\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \pd\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \H\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \k\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \r\gonext@kg\fi %\ifx\next@kg \t\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \u\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg \v\gonext@kg\fi \ifx\next@kg `\kern -0.1em\fi \ifx\next@kg \glq\kern 0.03em\fi \ifx\next@kg \@glq\kern 0.03em\fi \fi \allowhy@kg\next@kg}% } \def\after@kg{\afterassignment\gqhkorr@kg\let\next@kg= } \newif\if@germkorr\@germkorrtrue \expandafter\ifx\csname mdqon\endcsname\relax \typeout{ ** Error **: GERMAN not (yet) loaded. Do not re-define \string"\string` and \string\glq\string!}% \else \typeout{GERMAN expected. Try to re-define \string"\string` and \string\glq\string!}% \def@dqmacro{`}{\glqq}{\glqq}% %% Elder vers says {\glqq{}}{\glqq{}} %% \expandafter\ifx\csname @glqq\endcsname\relax \let\glqq@kg\glqq %% LaTeX2e %% \DeclareRobustCommand{\glqqkgk}{\after@kg}% \def\glqq{\glqq@kg\glqqkgk}% \let\glq@kg\glq \def\Tone@kg{T1}% \DeclareRobustCommand{\glqkgk}{\if@germkorr\ifx\encodingdefault\Tone@kg\kern-0.075em\fi\fi\after@kg}% \def\glq{\glq@kg\glqkgk}% \DeclareRobustCommand{\germkorr}{\@germkorrtrue}% \DeclareRobustCommand{\nogermkorr}{\@germkorrfalse}% \else \let\glqq@kg\@glqq %% LaTeX 2.09 %% \def\@glqq{\glqq@kg\after@kg}% \let\glq@kg\@glq \def\@glq{\glq@kg\after@kg}% \def\@yeskg{\@germkorrtrue}% \def\germkorr{\protect\@yeskg}% \def\@nokg{\@germkorrfalse}% \def\nogermkorr{\protect\@nokg}% \fi \fi \endinput