%%%%%%%%% gradstudentresume %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%% Written By: Anagha Kumar %%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%% License: The LATEX Project Public License (lppl1.3) %%%%%% %%%%%% Version: 2015/11/12 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \NeedsTeXFormat{LaTeX2e} \ProvidesClass{gradstudentresume} \LoadClassWithOptions{article} \RequirePackage{anysize} \RequirePackage{hyperref} % it goes left, right, top, bottom \marginsize{0.75in}{0.75in}{0in}{1in} \pagestyle{plain} %% I know latex has smallskip, medskip etc. but I think it is important to have fine control over your output and define your own skips \newcommand{\smallspace}{ \vspace{1mm} } \newcommand{\medspace}{ \vspace{3mm} } \newcommand{\largespace}{ \vspace{5mm} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newenvironment{info}[4] {\begin{center} \Large{\sc{#1}} \\ \normalsize \textit{Address}: {#2} \\ \textit{Telephone}: {#3} \\ \textit{Email}: {#4} \end{center}} {\largespace } % The parameters are name, address, telephone number, and email. \newenvironment{wrapped} { \begin{itemize} \setlength{\itemsep}{0pt}} { \end{itemize}} \newcommand{\sectionrule}{\noindent\hfil\rule{\textwidth}{.6pt}\hfil \vspace{2mm} } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newcommand{\undergrad}[5]{\noindent \textbf{#1}\hfill {#2} \\ \textit{#3}\hfill {#4} \\ {\def\honors{#5}\ifx\honors\empty\else Graduation Honors: {#5}}\fi} \newcommand{\grad}[6]{\noindent{\textbf{{#1}}} \hfill{#2}\\ \textit{#3} \hfill{#4} \\ Thesis: {#5} \\ Advisor: {#6}} \newcommand{\sectionheading}[1]{\noindent{\large{\sc{#1}}} \\ \sectionrule} \newcommand{\subsectionheading}[1]{\noindent {\sc{#1}} \smallspace } \newcommand{\reference}[7]{\textbf{#1} \\ {#2} \hfill{Telephone: {#3}} \\ {#4} \hfill{Email: {#5}} \\ {#6} \\ {#7}} % The parameters are name, title, telephone number, department, email, school, and address line 2. \newcommand{\paper}[7] {{#1} ({#2}). {#3}. \textit{#4, #5} ({#6}), {#7}.} % 1 is authors, 2 is year, 3 is title, 4 is journal, 5 is volume, 6 is number, 7 is pages. This is useful since you don't need to type in \textit{} etc. repeatedly when typing up your resume. Grad students with many publications will especially appreciate this feature. \newcommand{\myname}{\textbf{Kumar, A.}} % so that you don't have to keep typing in \textbf{your name} for every paper you cite. \newcommand{\presentation}[4]{{#1} \hfill{#2} \\ \textit{#3} \hfill{#4}} % 1 is the section of the conference, 2 is the date, 3 is the conference name or school name 4 is the location \newenvironment{pres}[1] { \textbf{#1} % name of the presentation \begin{wrapped}} {% use the presentation command as the argument \end{wrapped} \smallspace } \newenvironment{desc}[3] { \noindent\textbf{#1} \hfill{#2}\\ \textit{#3} \begin{wrapped}} { \end{wrapped} \medspace }