%% @texfile{ %% filename="amssym.def", %% version="2.1", %% date="5-APR-1991", %% filetype="TeX: option", %% copyright="Copyright (C) American Mathematical Society, %% all rights reserved. Copying of this file is %% authorized only if either: %% (1) you make absolutely no changes to your copy %% including name; OR %% (2) if you do make changes, you first rename it to some %% other name.", %% author="American Mathematical Society", %% address="American Mathematical Society, %% Technical Support Group, %% P. O. Box 6248, %% Providence, RI 02940, %% USA", %% telephone="401-455-4080 or (in the USA) 800-321-4AMS", %% email="Internet: Tech-Support@Math.AMS.com", %% codetable="ISO/ASCII", %% checksumtype="line count", %% checksum="108", %% keywords="amsfonts, tex", %% abstract="This file contains definitions that perform the same %% functions as similar ones in AMS-TeX, so that the file %% AMSSYM.TEX can be used outside of AMS-TeX. Instructions %% for using this file and the AMS symbol fonts are %% included in the AMSFonts 2.0 User's Guide." %% } % %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \expandafter\ifx\csname amssym.def\endcsname\relax \else\endinput\fi % % Store the catcode of the @ in the csname so that it can be restored later. \expandafter\edef\csname amssym.def\endcsname{% \catcode`\noexpand\@=\the\catcode`\@\space} % Set the catcode to 11 for use in private control sequence names. \catcode`\@=11 % % Include all definitions related to the fonts msam, msbm and eufm, so that % when this file is used by itself, the results with respect to those fonts % are equivalent to what they would have been using AMS-TeX. % Most symbols in fonts msam and msbm are defined using \newsymbol; % however, a few symbols that replace composites defined in plain must be % defined with \mathchardef. \def\undefine#1{\let#1\undefined} \def\newsymbol#1#2#3#4#5{\let\next@\relax \ifnum#2=\@ne\let\next@\msafam@\else \ifnum#2=\tw@\let\next@\msbfam@\fi\fi \mathchardef#1="#3\next@#4#5} \def\mathhexbox@#1#2#3{\relax \ifmmode\mathpalette{}{\m@th\mathchar"#1#2#3}% \else\leavevmode\hbox{$\m@th\mathchar"#1#2#3$}\fi} \def\hexnumber@#1{\ifcase#1 0\or 1\or 2\or 3\or 4\or 5\or 6\or 7\or 8\or 9\or A\or B\or C\or D\or E\or F\fi} \font\tenmsa=msam10 \font\sevenmsa=msam7 \font\fivemsa=msam5 \newfam\msafam \textfont\msafam=\tenmsa \scriptfont\msafam=\sevenmsa \scriptscriptfont\msafam=\fivemsa \edef\msafam@{\hexnumber@\msafam} \mathchardef\dabar@"0\msafam@39 \def\dashrightarrow{\mathrel{\dabar@\dabar@\mathchar"0\msafam@4B}} \def\dashleftarrow{\mathrel{\mathchar"0\msafam@4C\dabar@\dabar@}} \let\dasharrow\dashrightarrow \def\ulcorner{\delimiter"4\msafam@70\msafam@70 } \def\urcorner{\delimiter"5\msafam@71\msafam@71 } \def\llcorner{\delimiter"4\msafam@78\msafam@78 } \def\lrcorner{\delimiter"5\msafam@79\msafam@79 } \def\yen{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@55 }} \def\checkmark{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@58 }} \def\circledR{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@72 }} \def\maltese{{\mathhexbox@\msafam@7A }} \font\tenmsb=msbm10 \font\sevenmsb=msbm7 \font\fivemsb=msbm5 \newfam\msbfam \textfont\msbfam=\tenmsb \scriptfont\msbfam=\sevenmsb \scriptscriptfont\msbfam=\fivemsb \edef\msbfam@{\hexnumber@\msbfam} \def\Bbb#1{{\fam\msbfam\relax#1}} \def\widehat#1{\setbox\z@\hbox{$\m@th#1$}% \ifdim\wd\z@>\tw@ em\mathaccent"0\msbfam@5B{#1}% \else\mathaccent"0362{#1}\fi} \def\widetilde#1{\setbox\z@\hbox{$\m@th#1$}% \ifdim\wd\z@>\tw@ em\mathaccent"0\msbfam@5D{#1}% \else\mathaccent"0365{#1}\fi} \font\teneufm=eufm10 \font\seveneufm=eufm7 \font\fiveeufm=eufm5 \newfam\eufmfam \textfont\eufmfam=\teneufm \scriptfont\eufmfam=\seveneufm \scriptscriptfont\eufmfam=\fiveeufm \def\frak#1{{\fam\eufmfam\relax#1}} \let\goth\frak % Restore the catcode value for @ that was previously saved. \csname amssym.def\endcsname \endinput