# # SIAM numeric flag format # # Note to user: A first name beginning with a small letter will # not be properly put in cap small caps style. # Before running TeX, change such letters to # capitals in the output from tib. If caps-small- # caps font is available, use siamnl. It may be # necessary to modify the font definitions below # for local use. # # include word-definition file (journals and publishers) I TMACLIB amsabb.ttz AA abbreviate authors' first names AX caps small caps for authors EA abbreviate editors' first names SAD sort on authors, dates U replace successive identical authors with underlines # #The lines below are copied verbatim into the output document as TeX commands. #First the file Macros.ttx is \input with Macros and default settings. #The control string \TMACLIB is just a path. # \def\Reffont{\rm}\def\Titlefont{\sl}\def\Smallcapsfont{\sevenrm} %fullsize %\def\Reffont{\eightrm}\def\Titlefont{\eighti}\def\Smallcapsfont{\sixrm} %siam \input\TMACLIB siam1.ttx%TeX macros for formatting reference list \def\Underlinemark{\vrule height .7pt depth 0pt width 3em}%for replacing % successive listings of identical author(s)