%% %% Ein Beispiel der DANTE-Edition %% %% 7. Auflage %% %% Beispiel 05-05-3 auf Seite 82. %% %% Copyright (C) 2016 Herbert Voss %% %% It may be distributed and/or modified under the conditions %% of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3 %% of this license or (at your option) any later version. %% %% See http://www.latex-project.org/lppl.txt for details. %% %% %% ==== % Show page(s) 1 %% %% \documentclass[]{exaarticle} \pagestyle{empty} \setlength\textwidth{352.81416pt} \setlength\parindent{0pt} %StartShownPreambleCommands \usepackage{pst-all} \usepackage{multido} %StopShownPreambleCommands \begin{document} \psset{linewidth=0.4pt, dash=5pt 3pt, arrowlength=2, arrowsize=2pt 4} \definecolor{Color1}{HTML}{0065BD} \definecolor{Color2}{HTML}{E37222} \colorlet{Color1Light}{Color1!15} \colorlet{Color2Light}{Color2!15} \begin{pspicture}(-2,-2)(10,12) % Draw the filled terrain curve first, so it is at the bottom layer. \pscustom[linestyle=none,fillstyle=solid,fillcolor=Color2Light]{% \pscurve(-1,0.5)(1,1.2)(3.5,0.8)(5,1.2)(6.5,1.8)(8,1.1) \psline(8,0)(-1,0)% } % Axes with arrows and coordinate labels \psaxes[arrows=-D>,labels=none,ticks=none](0,0)(-1,0)(8.5,11)[$x$,0][$z$,90] % Define a node at each SAR sensor position ... \pnode(0, 8){SAR1} \pnode(3,10){SAR2} % ... and one more node that represents the center of the baseline. \psRelNode(SAR1)(SAR2){0.5}{B} % Draw the interferometric baseline and some labels. \pcline(SAR1)(SAR2)\naput{$B$} \uput{10pt}[ 90]{0}(SAR2){SAR 2} \uput{10pt}[180]{0}(SAR1){SAR 1} % Some lines of constant phase (circular arcs) relative to each SAR sensor \rput(SAR1){% \multido{\nR=8.0+0.15}{12}{% \psarc(0,0){\nR}{290}{330}% } \psline[linestyle=dashed](0,0)(9.65;290) \psline[linestyle=dashed](0,0)(9.65;330) } \rput(SAR2){% \multido{\nR=8.0+0.15}{12}{% \psarc(0,0){\nR}{270}{310}% } \psline[linestyle=dashed](0,0)(9.65;270) \psline[linestyle=dashed](0,0)(9.65;310) } % Some lines of constant phase difference. They intersect in the center of the % baseline and are therefore drawn in polar coordinates relative to node B. \rput(B){% \multido{\nW=286.50+2.43}{12}{% \psline[linestyle=dashed,dash=3pt 1.5pt](3;\nW)(11;\nW)% } } % Mark the sensor positions ... \psdots*[dotsize=8pt,linecolor=Color1](SAR1)(SAR2) % ... and finally draw the terrain curve on top of everything. \pscurve[linewidth=0.85pt,linecolor=Color2](-1,0.5)(1,1.2)(3.5,0.8)(5,1.2)(6.5,1.8)(8,1.1) \end{pspicture} \end{document}