% --- start of displayed preamble in the book --- verbatimtex %&latex \documentclass{article} \begin{document} etex input graph % --- end of displayed preamble in the book --- defaultfont:="ptmr8r"; warningcheck:=0; beginfig(1) draw begingraph(250,150); pickup pencircle scaled 1pt; path p; for x=-20 step 0.2 until -0.2: augment.p (x, sind(x*180/3.14159)/x); endfor; augment.p (0, 1); for x=0.2 step 0.2 until 20: augment.p (x, sind(x*180/3.14159)/x); endfor; glabel.lrt(btex $\displaystyle\frac{\sin(x)}{x}$ etex,(-20,1)); gdraw p; endgraph endfig; end;