% --- start of displayed preamble in the book --- % --- end of displayed preamble in the book --- % graphic converted to gray in book using 'color2gray' defaultfont:="ptmr8r"; warningcheck:=0; beginfig(1) numeric u; u=5mm; path p[]; p1=fullcircle scaled 5u; p2=unitsquare scaled 3u shifted (0,5u); draw p2; draw p1 withcolor red; draw interpath(.1,p1,p2) withcolor .25[red,green]; draw interpath(.25,p1,p2) withcolor .5[red,green]; draw interpath(.5,p1,p2) withcolor green; draw interpath(.75,p1,p2) withcolor .5[green,black]; draw interpath(.9,p1,p2) withcolor .7[green,black]; endfig; end;