% original definitions by Kees van der Laan % % nowadays the file is seldom found in TeX distributions so we pack it with % the examples of LGC2 \providecommand\club{\ensuremath{\clubsuit}} \providecommand\diam{\ensuremath{\diamondsuit}} \providecommand\heart{\ensuremath{\heartsuit}} \providecommand\spade{\ensuremath{\spadesuit}} \providecommand{\hand}[4]{ \begin{minipage}[t]{8em}%I chose \br=8em \begin{tabbing} %width of parbox depends on the parameters: %min{\br, max{string #1, ..., string #4}} \(\spadesuit\) \= #1 \\ \(\heartsuit\) \> #2 \\ \(\diamondsuit\)\> #3 \\ \(\clubsuit\) \> #4 \end{tabbing} \end{minipage} }%end \hand \newsavebox{\NESW} \savebox{\NESW}[4em]{% \raisebox{-1.5\baselineskip}% {\fbox{\small W \raisebox{2.6ex}{N} \hspace*{-1em} \raisebox{-2.6ex}{S} \,\,{E}% } } }%end \NESW % \providecommand{\crdima}[6]{% \begin{tabular}{lll} #1 & #3 & #2\\ #4 & \usebox{\NESW} & #5\\ & #6 & \end{tabular} }%end \crdima \newenvironment{bidding} {\hrule height 0pt % this rule is to make tabbing take the full % line within the example minipages \begin{tabbing} xxxxxx\=xxxxxx\=xxxxxx\=xxxxxx \kill West \>North \>East \> South\\ }{\end{tabbing} }%end bidding \endinput