%% Package Sw2Rus.sty to use with LaTeX 2e. %% Copyright (C) 2000-2003 Berik I. Tuleuov, Karaganda, Kazakhstan. %% E-mail: berik_tuleuov@yahoo.com %% This program can be used, distributed, and modified under the terms %% of the LaTeX Project Public License. %% Last Modified 17.02.2003 %% These somewhat tricky macros allows you to combine the power of %% graphical front-end of Scientific Word/Scientific WorkPlace (SW/SWP) %% with your favourite TeX compiler (for example, MiKTeX). SW/SWP creates %% TeX source files with commands \Unicode{character code} (versions 3.0) or %% \U{character code} (versions 3.5 and up) instead of usual characters, and %% we have to redefine these commands, with no change of source file. %% This idea is generic, i.e. it can also be applied to other european %% languages. You may or may not use `babel' multilanguage support package; %% that's why I decided not to use \def\mxl{\CYRA} instead of \def\mxl{} %% and so on. %% Here given implementation for russian language. \def\mxl{} % \def\mxli{} % \def\mxlii{} % \def\mxliii{} % \def\mxliv{} % \def\mxlv{} % \def\mxlvi{} % \def\mxlvii{} % \def\mxlviii{} % \def\mxlix{} % \def\lxva{} \def\ml{} % \def\lxvb{} \def\mli{} % \def\lxvc{} \def\mlii{} % \def\lxvd{} \def\mliii{} % \def\lxve{} \def\mliv{} % \def\lxvf{} \def\mlv{} % \def\mlvi{} % \def\mlvii{} % \def\mlviii{} % \def\mlix{} % \def\mlx{} % \def\mlxi{} % \def\mlxii{} % \def\mlxiii{} % \def\mlxiv{} % \def\mlxv{} % \def\lxvia{} \def\mlxvi{} % \def\lxvib{} \def\mlxvii{} % \def\lxvic{} \def\mlxviii{} % \def\lxvid{} \def\mlxix{} % \def\lxvie{} \def\mlxx{} % \def\lxvif{} \def\mlxxi{} % \def\mlxxii{} % \def\mlxxiii{} % \def\mlxxiv{} % \def\mlxxv{} % \def\mlxxvi{} % \def\mlxxvii{} % \def\mlxxviii{} % \def\mlxxix{} % \def\mlxxx{} % \def\mlxxxi{} % \def\lxviia{} \def\mlxxxii{} % \def\lxviib{} \def\mlxxxiii{} % \def\lxviic{} \def\mlxxxiv{} % \def\lxviid{} \def\mlxxxv{} % \def\lxviie{} \def\mlxxxvi{} % \def\lxviif{} \def\mlxxxvii{} % \def\mlxxxviii{} % \def\mlxxxix{} % \def\mxc{} % \def\mxci{} % \def\mxcii{} % \def\mxciii{} % \def\mxciv{} % \def\mxcv{} % \def\mxcvi{} % \def\mxcvii{} % \def\lxviiia{} \def\mxcviii{} % \def\lxviiib{} \def\mxcix{} % \def\lxviiic{} \def\mc{} % \def\lxviiid{} \def\mci{} % \def\lxviiie{} \def\mcii{} % \def\lxviiif{} \def\mciii{} % \def\UNICODE#1{\csname\romannumeral"\@gobbletwo#1\endcsname}% for versions 3.0 \def\U#1{\csname\romannumeral"#1\endcsname}% for versions 3.5 and up