%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bangconso.mf: METAFONT file that defines bangla consonants %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This file is part of the package BANGTEX, containing Bangla fonts %% and style files for the TeX/LaTeX typesetting systems %% %% Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Palash Baran Pal %% e-mail: pbpal@theory.saha.ernet.in %% internet: http://tnp.saha.ernet.in/~pbpal %% Address: Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics %% 1/AF Bidhan Nagar %% Calcutta 700064, INDIA %% %% Original release: January 2001 %% Latest modification released: June 2003 %% %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %% 02111-1307 USA %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% beginchar("k", 19u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ka"; numeric wba; wba = 14/19w; ka(0,0,wba,h); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("x", 16u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter kha"; numeric xstem,height,balld,phi; xstem=w-rindent; height=matra_f*h; balld=.18h; phi=-90; matra(xstem,w); z2l = (7.5/43w,43/50height); z2r = z2l + .5balld * dir(phi) + .02w * dir(phi+90); z3l = (.5w,matra_f*h); z3r = (.52w,.63h); z4r = (26.5/43w,41/50height); z4l = (30/43w,38/50height); z5r = (6/43w,30/50height); z6l = (13/43w,22/50height); z5l = .7[z5r,z6l]; z6r = z5r; z7 = (xstem,height); fill fullcircle scaled balld shifted (z2l); penstroke z2e{right}..z3e; penstroke z3e..z4e{down}..{left}z5e; Hookstem(z6r,z6l,z7,0,0,0); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; beginchar("g", 14u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ga"; numeric xstem,hh,hrise; hh = .9h; hrise = matra_f*(h-hh); xstem=w-rindent; stem(xstem); matra(xstem,w); ga_(0,hrise,xstem,hh); endchar; beginchar("G", 15u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter gha"; numeric xstem,height; xstem = w-rindent; height = matra_f*h; matra(0,w); % The upper left portion z1l = (4/42w,matra_h*h); penpos1(11/42w,0); z2l = (22/42w,37/50height); z2r = (28/42w,34/50height); z3 = (12.5/42w,20/50height); fill z1l..{z2r-z3}z2r--z2l{z3-z2r}..z1r--cycle; % The portion going towards lower left cwbar(z2l,z2r,z3,angle(z1r-z2r)); % The hook and the stem z4 = 7/21[z3,z2r]; z5 = (xstem,matra_h*h); Hookstem(z4,z3,z5,0,0,angle(z2r-z2l)); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; beginchar(130, 17u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter unga"; unga(0,0,w,matra_f*h); endchar; beginchar("c", 13u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ca"; ca(0,0,w,h); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("q",15.5u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter cha"; numeric hh,hrise; hh=h; hrise = matra_f*(h-hh); cha(0,hrise,w,hh); currenttransform := identity slanted slantval; matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("j", 20u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ja"; ja_full(0,0,w,h); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("C", 18u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter jha"; numeric wba,xstem; wba = 14/18w; xstem = wba-rindent; ba(0,0,xstem,h); matra(0,xstem); % Now the part to the right z6 = (.87w,matra_f*h); z7 = (xstem,.43h); z8 = (x7,.35h); Hookstem(z7,z8,z6,.12h,0,0); matra(x6,w); penlabels (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar; beginchar(131, 26u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ina"; ina(0,0,w,h); endchar; beginchar("T", 13u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter Ta"; numeric balld; balld = .19h; matra(0,w); Dha(0,0,w,h); % The Tiki Tiki (.9w,.1w); endchar; beginchar("F", 13u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter Tha"; numeric width; width = .13w; % The bag z1 = (.61w,matra_f*h-.5matra_thickness); penpos1(width,0); z2 = (.23w,.3h); penpos2(1.4width,-45); z3l= (.5w,.06h); penpos3(.8width,90); z4l= (.93w,.32h); penpos4(.8width,180); z5 = z1; z5l = z1r; z5r = z1l; penstroke z1e..{left}z2e; penstroke z2e..{right}z3e; penstroke z3e{right}..z4e{up}..z5e; % The antenna numeric antwid; antwid = length(z1l-z1r); z6 = (x1l,h); pickup pencircle xscaled antwid yscaled 1.4antwid rotated 0; draw z1{z1-z4}..{dir 45}z6; picture shape_Tha; shape_Tha = currentpicture; % matra matra(0,w); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar("D", 18u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter Da"; numeric height; height = matra_f*h; matra(0,w); Da(0,0,w,height,.88); endchar; beginchar("Z", 13u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter Dha"; matra(0,w); Dha(0,0,w,h); endchar; beginchar("N", 13.5u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter murdhanya na"; numeric xstem; xstem = w - rindent; matra (xstem,w); stem(xstem); Na_(0,0,xstem,h); endchar; beginchar("t", 19u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ta"; numeric height; height = matra_f*h; ta(0,0,w,height); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("Q", 15u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter tha"; numeric xstem,balld,phi,height; xstem=w-rindent; balld=.18h; height = matra_f*h; matra(xstem,w); z1l = (.5lindent,.6h); penpos1(.5balld,0); z2r = (.4w,.68h); z2l = (.33w,height); z3r = (23.5/42w,36/50height); penpos3(3.5/42w,180); z4r = (5/42w,27/50height); z4l = (8.5/42w,20/50height); z5 = (xstem,height); fill fullcircle scaled balld shifted (z1r); penstroke z1e{up}..{right}z2e..{down}z3e..tension1.2..{left}z4e; Hookstem(z4r,z4l,z5,0,0,0); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; beginchar("d", 14u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter da"; matra(0,w); da(0,0,w,h); endchar; beginchar("z", 14u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter dha"; numeric xstem,height,theta; xstem = w - rindent; height = matra_f*h; theta = 20; ba(0,0,xstem,h); matra(xstem,w); z8l = point 16/34 of ba_pl; z8r = point 22/34 of ba_pl; z9l = (10.5/39w,43/50height); z9r = (7/39w,43/50height); z10l = (17/39w,(matra_f-matra_t)*h); penpos10(.5dot_diam,theta); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z10l; fill z10r{dir (theta+90)}..z9r..{right}z8r--z8l{left}..z9l..z10l--cycle; picture shape_dha; currentpicture = shape_dha; penlabels(8,9,10); endchar; beginchar("n", 15.5u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter na"; numeric ww,xstem,height; xstem = ww = w-rindent; height = matra_f*h; na(0,0,w,height,1); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("p", 17u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter pa"; numeric xstem,height; xstem=w-rindent; height = matra_f*h; matra(xstem,w); stem(xstem); pa_(0,0,xstem,h); endchar; beginchar("f", 18.5u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter pha"; numeric xstem,wJa,balld,fracrise; wJa = 28/37w; xstem = wJa-rindent; balld = .16h; fracrise=.8; matra(0,w); % The upper left portion Ja(0,0,wJa,h,fracrise); z6r = (xstem+.5stem_width,fracrise*matra_h*h); penpos6(stem_width,90); % This part is for the ball at the end of the hook z7 = (.83w,.38h); fill fullcircle scaled balld shifted (z7); % The hook z8r = z7 + .5balld * dir(0); penpos8(.2balld,0); penstroke z6e{right}..{down}z8e; penlabels(6,7,8); picture shape_pha; shape_pha = currentpicture; endchar; beginchar("b", 14u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ba"; numeric xstem; xstem = w - rindent; matra(0,w); ba(0,0,xstem,h); endchar; beginchar("v", 20u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter bha"; numeric balld; balld = .25h; matra(0,w); bha(0,0,w,matra_f*h); endchar; beginchar("m", 15.5u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter ma"; numeric xstem,theta,balld,height; xstem = w-rindent; theta = -30; balld = .25h; height = matra_f*h; matra(0,w); % The part leading to the dot z1l = (4/43w,matra_h*h); penpos1(7/43w,0); z2l = (21.5/43w,31/50height); z2r = (26/43w,28/50height); z3l = (16/43w,21/50height); penpos3(.5balld,theta); fill z1l{down}..{down}z2l{down}..z3l--z3r{dir (theta+90)}..z2r..tension1.3..z1r--cycle; % The dot fill fullcircle scaled balld shifted z3l; % The part to the lower right of the dot z4r = z3l; z4l = z3l + .5balld * dir 90; z5 = (xstem,matra_h*h); Hookstem(z4l,z4r,z5,0,0,0); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5); endchar; beginchar("J",15u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter antasthya ja"; Ja(0,0,w,h,1); % The matra matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("r",14u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter ra"; numeric xstem; xstem = w-rindent; matra(0,w); z6 = (.32w,.15h); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted (z6); ba(0,0,xstem,h); penlabels (1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar("l",18u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter la"; numeric xstem; xstem = w - rindent; la_(0,0,xstem,h); stem(xstem); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("H",14.5u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter ha"; numeric height; height = matra_f*h; Ha(0,0,w,height); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("X",22u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter khiyo"; khiyo(0,0,w,h); matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("S", 18u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter talabya sha"; numeric xstem; xstem = w-rindent; stem(xstem); matra(xstem,w); sha_(0,0,xstem,h); endchar; beginchar("P", 15u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter murdhanya sha"; numeric xstem; xstem = w-rindent; % The upper left portion z1l = (4/42w,matra_h*h); penpos1(11/42w,0); z2l = (22/42w,37.5/50height); z2r = (28/42w,34/50height); fill z1l{down}..{z2l-z1l}z2l--z2r--z1r--cycle; % The portion going towards lower left z3 = (12.5/42w,20/50height); cwbar(z2l,z2r,z3,angle(z1r-z2r)); % The hook z4 = .33[z3,z2r]; z5 = (xstem,matra_h*h); Hookstem(z4,z3,z5,0,0,angle(z2r-z2l)); % The cross through the belly x6 = xstem; numeric fy; fy = (x6-x1r)/(x2r-x1r); y6 = fy[y1r,y2r]; z7 = .13[z2r,z3]; cwbar (z7,z2r,z6,-90); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); picture shape_Sha; shape_Sha = currentpicture; matra(0,w); endchar; beginchar("s",17.5u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter dantya-sa"; numeric xstem,height; xstem = w-rindent; height=matra_h*h; matra(0,w); stem(xstem); sa_(0,0,xstem,height); endchar; beginchar(136, 16u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter Da-y shunyo Ra"; numeric height; height = matra_f*h; Da(0,0,w,height,.88); matra(0,w); % The dot z9 = (.61w,-ha_dip); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted (z9); penlabels(9); endchar; beginchar(137, 13u#, stht#,stdp#); "The letter Dha-y shunyo Ra"; numeric balld; balld = .19h; matra(0,w); z1 = (lindent-.5stem_width,matra_f*h-.5matra_thickness); z2 = (lindent+.5stem_width,matra_f*h-.5matra_thickness); z3 = (x1,.25h); z4 = (x2,y3); z5 = (.35w,.09h); z6 = (.39w,.2h); z8 = (.69w,.41h); z7 = (max(.88w,x8+.5balld),.43h); fill z1{down}..{down}z3..z5{right}..tension1.5..z7--z8{down}..z6..z4{up}--z2--cycle; z9 = (x8,y8+.5balld); hookcirc(z9,z7,z8,balld,30); % The dot at the bottom z10= (x6,-ha_dip); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted (z10); penlabels (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar; beginchar("y",14u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter antasthya ya"; matra(0,w); Ja(0,0,w,h,1); % The ball z8 = (.42w,.13h); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted (z8); penlabels(8); endchar; beginchar(133,14u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter khanda ta"; % The dot z1r = (.5w,matra_f*h); penpos1(.09h,90); z2r = (.3w,.59h); penpos2(.04h,-150); z3r = (.54w,.39h); penpos3(.1h,-90); z4r = (.75w,.54h); penpos4(.06h,0); penstroke z1e..z2e..z3e..z4e..cycle; % The hanging part z5r = (.7lindent,.48h); penpos5(.08h,180); z6l = (x1,.3h); z6r= (.5w,.19h); z7l = (w,0); penpos7(.1w,180); z8l = (.2[x7l,x7r],-ha_dip); z8r = z7r; penstroke z1e..z5e..z6e..{down}z7e..z8e; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar; beginchar("K",9u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter anuswar"; numeric vdiam; vdiam = .3h; x1 = .5w; y1= matra_f*h - .5vdiam; golla (z1,vdiam); z9l = (.07w,.41h); z9r = (.24w,.23h); z10 = (.96w,-.04h); hookjt(z9r,z9l,z10,.03h,.1,45); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar; beginchar("h",9u#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter bisargo"; numeric balld; balld = .3h; z1 = (.5w,.6h); z2 = (x1,matra_f*h-y1); golla (z1,balld); golla (z2,balld); penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar; beginchar(132,0stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "The letter candra-bindu"; rt z1 = (w,h); z1'= (x1+8,y1); z2 = (-2rindent,matra_f*h+.5matra_thickness); z3 = (-4rindent,h); % baTi(z1,z1',z2,z3); pickup Tiki_pen; draw flex(z1,z2,z3); z5 = (x2,h); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted (z5); penlabels(1,1',2,3,4,5); endchar; beginchar("B",14u#,stht#,stdp#); "The Asamiya letter ra"; numeric wba; wba = w - rindent; z1l = (4/39wba,29/50height); z3r = (8.5/39wba,23.5/50height); z2l = (wba,43/50height); penpos2(5.5/50height,-90); z1r = z1l + length(z2r-z2l) * dir angle(z3r-z1l); path rra_pr; rra_pr = z1r{z2l-z1r}..z2r; path rra_pl; rra_pl = z2l..{z1r-z2l}z1l; penstroke z1e{z2l-z1r}..z2e; z3l = point .2 of rra_pr; fill z1l--z3l--z3r--cycle; z4 = (wba,height); Hookstem(z3l,z3r,z4,0,angle(z3l-z1l),2*angle(z3l-z1l)); pickup pencircle scaled .6length(z3l-z3r); lft top z5 = point .65 of rra_pl; rt z6 = (wba,.35h); draw z5--z6; matra(0,w); penlabels (1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar("w", 14u#, stht#,stdp#); "The Asamiya letter wa"; numeric xstem; xstem = w - rindent; matra(0,w); ba(0,0,xstem,h); pickup pencircle xscaled 0.1pt yscaled 0.4pt; z6 = (.14w,.22h); z7 = (w-2rindent, 0); draw z6{right}..z7; penlabels(6,7); endchar; %%% End of bangconso.mf