%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bangnum.mf: METAFONT file that defines the Bangla numerals %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This file is part of the package BANGTEX, containing Bangla fonts %% and style files for the TeX/LaTeX typesetting systems %% %% Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Palash Baran Pal %% e-mail: pbpal@theory.saha.ernet.in %% internet: http://tnp.saha.ernet.in/~pbpal %% Address: Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics %% 1/AF Bidhan Nagar %% Calcutta 700064, INDIA %% %% Original release: January 2001 %% Latest modification released: June 2003 %% %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %% 02111-1307 USA %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% beginchar("0",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 0"; numeric balld; balld = .55h; z1 = (.5w,matra_f*h/2); golla (z1,balld); penlabels(1); endchar; beginchar("1",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 1"; numeric phi,xs,ys; xs = 20/45w; ys = 10/50h; z1 = (13/45w,matra_f*45/50h); z2l = z1 - (.5numball_two,0); penpos2(.8numball_two,0); z3 = (34/45w,matra_f*18/50h); penpos3(3/45w,0); z4 = .5[z3r,(w,y3r)]; z5l = (22/45w,matra_f*7/50h); phi = angle(z4-z5l); penpos5(.5ys,phi-90); fill fullcircle scaled numball_two shifted z1; fill z2l{down}..z3l..z5l--z5r..z3r{up}..{up}z2r--cycle; fill fullcircle xscaled xs yscaled ys rotated phi shifted z5l; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar("2",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 2"; z1 = (17/45w,matra_f*45/50h); z2l = z1 - (.5numball_two,0); penpos2(.8numball_two,0); z3 = (34/45w,matra_f*26/50h); penpos3(3/45w,0); z4l = (22/45w,matra_f*20/50h); z4r = (19/45w,matra_f*14/50h); z5l = (6/45w,matra_f*26/50h); z5r = (10/45w,matra_f*16/50h); z6 = (43/45w,-ha_dip); penpos6(length(z3l-z3r),angle(z5r-z5l)); fill fullcircle scaled numball_two shifted z1; fill z2l{down}..{down}z3l..{left}z4l..z5l--z5r..z4r{right}..z3r{up}..{up}z2r--cycle; fill z5l..{z6l-z4l}z6l--z6r{z4r-z6r}..z5r--cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar("3",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 3"; numeric balld; balld = 1.2numball_one; z1r = (21/45w,matra_f*33/50h); penpos1(.5balld,0); z2l = (25/45w,matra_f*44/50h); z2r = (28/45w,matra_f*39/50h); z5r = (38/45w,matra_f*25/50h); z5l = (41/45w,matra_f*23/50h); z6r = (26/45w,matra_f*12/50h); z6l = (26/45w,matra_f*5.5/50h); z7r = (3.5/45w,matra_f*39/50h); z7l = (1/45w,matra_f*40/50h); fill fullcircle scaled balld shifted z1r; fill z1l{up}..tension0.95..z2l{right}..{down}z5l--z5r{up}..z2r{left}..z1r--cycle; fill z5r{down}..{left}z6r..{z7l-(x2l,0)}z7r--z7l{(x1r,0)-z7r}..tension1.2..z6l{right}..{up}z5l--cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; beginchar("4",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 4"; numeric w_one, w_two; w_one = matra_f*2.5/50h; w_two = 5/45w; z1l = (22/45w,matra_f*48/50h); penpos1(w_one,-90); z2 = (11/45w,matra_f*36/50h); penpos2(w_two,0); z3l = (18/45w,matra_f*24/50h); z3r = (28/45w,matra_f*26/50h); z3 = .5[z3l,z3r]; z4 = (35/45w,matra_f*13/50h); penpos4(w_two,0); z5r = (x1,matra_f*h-y1l); penpos5(w_one,-90); z6 = (11/45w,y4); penpos6(w_two,180); z7l = (21/45w,matra_f*22/50h); z7r = (24.5/45w,matra_f*27/50h); z7 = z3; z8 = (34/45w,y2); penpos8(w_two,180); pickup pencircle xscaled (length(z3l-z3r)) yscaled (matra_f*3/50h) rotated (angle(z3r-z3l)); penstroke z1e..z2e..z3e..z4e..z5e..z6e..z7e..z8e..cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8); endchar; beginchar("5",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 5"; z1l = (30/45w,matra_f*48/50h); z1r = (23.5/45w,matra_f*41/50h); z2 = (6.5/45w,matra_f*20/50h); penpos2(4/45w,0); z3l = (22/45w,matra_f*2.5/50h); z3r = (26/45w,matra_f*5/50h); z4l = (35/45w,matra_f*4.5/50h); z5l = (31/45w,matra_f*7/50h); z4r = z5l; z5r = z3r; penstroke z1e..{down}z2e..z3e..z4e; fill z5l--z4l--z3r--cycle; z6l = (24/45w,matra_f*14/50h); z6r = (19/45w,matra_f*18/50h); z7l = (29/45w,matra_f*27/50h); z7r = (x6l,matra_f*30/50h); z8l = (40/45w,matra_f*33/50h); z8r = (x7l,matra_f*33/50h); z9l = (31/45w,matra_f*40/50h); z9r = (25/45w,matra_f*36/50h); penstroke z5e..z6e{up}..z7e..z8e; penstroke z8e..z9e..{up}z1e; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9); endchar; beginchar("6",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 6"; z1l = (14/45w,matra_f*43/50h); penpos1(.5numball_two,0); z2l = (16/45w,matra_f*31/50h); penpos2(4/45w,0); z3l = (25/45w,matra_f*21/50h); z3r = (22.5/45w,matra_f*26/50h); z4l = (36/45w,matra_f*29/50h); z4r = (33.5/45w,matra_f*37/50h); z5l = (39/45w,matra_f*22/50h); z5r = (41.5/45w,matra_f*22/50h); z6l = (26/45w,matra_f*10.5/50h); z6r = (26/45w,matra_f*4.5/50h); z7l = (3.5/45w,matra_f*39/50h); z7r = (1/45w,matra_f*40/50h); fill fullcircle scaled numball_two shifted z1l; fill z1l--z2l{z2l-z1l}..z3l..tension2..z4l--z4r..tension2..z3r..z2r..tension3..z1r--cycle; fill z4r..{down}z5r--z5l{up}..z4l--cycle; % baTi(z5l,z5r,z6r,z7r); fill z5r{down}..{left}z6r..{z7l-(x2l,y6l)}z7r--z7l{(x2l,y6r)-z7r}..z6l{right}..{up}z5l--cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; beginchar("7",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 7"; z5r = (33/45w,matra_f*7/50h); penpos5(.5numball_two,0); z4l = (28/45w,matra_f*26/50h); penpos4(stem_width,0); z3' = (x4l,matra_f*30/50h); z3l = (16/45w,y4l); z3r = (x3l,y3'); z2l = (6.5/45w,matra_f*34/50h); z2r = (11/45w,matra_f*31/50h); z1l = (19/45w,matra_f*47/50h); z1r = (22/45w,matra_f*43/50h); fill fullcircle scaled numball_two shifted z5r; fill z5l..z4l--z4l{left}..z3l..z2l{up}..{right}z1l..{down}z4r..z5r--cycle; unfill z3'{left}..{left}z3r..z2r..tension1.5..z1r..tension2..cycle; penlabels(1,2,3,3',4,5); endchar; beginchar("8",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 8"; z1l = (6/45w,matra_f*43/50h); penpos1(.5numball_two,0); z2r = (x1r,matra_f*27/50h); penpos2(stem_width,0); z4l = (14/45w,matra_f*4/50h); z4r = (x4l,matra_f*9/50h); z4 = .5[z4l,z4r]; z3r = (x1r,.7[y2,y4]); penpos3(stem_width,0); z5l = (30/45w,matra_f*20/50h); z5r = (26/45w,matra_f*23.5/50h); z6l = (18/45w,matra_f*32/50h); z6r = (x2r,matra_f*25/50h); z7 = (32/45w,matra_f*28/50h); z8 = (40/45w,matra_f*28.7/50h); z9 = (43/45w,matra_f*33/50h); fill fullcircle scaled numball_two shifted z1l; path p; p = z4l..{up}z5l..tension1.2..{left}z6l{left}; fill z1l..{down}z2l..z3l{down}..{right}z4l..p..z2r--z1r--cycle; unfill z6r{down}..{down}z3r..{right}z4r..tension1.8..z5r..tension2..z6r--cycle; z10 = p intersectionpoint (z5r--z7); pickup Tiki_pen; draw z10..z7..z8..z9; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10); endchar; beginchar("9",16u#,stht#,stdp#); "The number 9"; z1r = (15/45w,matra_f*7/50h); penpos1(.5numball_one,90); z2l = (17/45w,matra_f*1/2h); z2r = (16/45w,matra_f*22/50h); z3l = (30/45w,matra_f*10/50h); z3r = (25/45w,matra_f*3.5/50h); z4 = (37.5/45w,matra_f*18/50h); penpos4(3/45w,0); z5 = (x3r,matra_f*34/50h); penpos5(matra_f*5/50h,90); z6l = (5/45w,matra_f*43/50h); penpos6(.5numball_two,0); fill z1l{left}..{right}z2l..{down}z3l--z3r{up}..z2r{left}..z1r--cycle; fill z3l..{up}z4l..z5l..{up}z6l--z6r{z4-z6}..z5r..z4r{down}..z3r--cycle; fill fullcircle scaled numball_one shifted z1r; fill fullcircle scaled numball_two shifted z6r; penlabels(1,2,3,4,5,6,7); endchar; %%% End of bangnum.mf