%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % bangpunc.mf: METAFONT file that defines the Bangla punctuation symbols %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %% %% This file is part of the package BANGTEX, containing Bangla fonts %% and style files for the TeX/LaTeX typesetting systems %% %% Copyright (C) 2001, 2003 Palash Baran Pal %% e-mail: pbpal@theory.saha.ernet.in %% internet: http://tnp.saha.ernet.in/~pbpal %% Address: Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics %% 1/AF Bidhan Nagar %% Calcutta 700064, INDIA %% %% Original release: January 2001 %% Latest modification released: June 2003 %% %% This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify %% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by %% the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or %% (at your option) any later version. %% %% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, %% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of %% MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the %% GNU General Public License for more details. %% %% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License %% along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software %% Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA %% 02111-1307 USA %% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% beginchar(".",12u#,stht#,stdp#); "dnari (period)"; z1 = (w-rindent,0); stem(x1); matra(x1,x1); picture shape_dnari; shape_dnari:=currentpicture; penlabels(1); endchar; beginchar(14,15u#,stht#,stdp#); "double dnari"; currentpicture := shape_dnari; currentpicture := currentpicture + currentpicture shifted (2stem_width,0); endchar; beginchar(15,25u#, stht#, stdp#); "Three dots"; numeric weff; weff = 3/4w; z1 = (1/4weff,0); z2 = (1/2weff,0); z3 = (weff-x1,0); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z1; fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z2; fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z3; endchar; beginchar("!",12u#,stht#,stdp#); "exclamation mark"; numeric xx; xx = w - rindent; z1 = (xx,matra_f*h); penpos1(.05w,0); z2 = (xx,.65h); penpos2(.2w,0); z3 = (xx,0); penpos3(.01w,0); z0 = (xx,-ha_dip); filldraw z1..z1l..{down}z2l{down}..z3l--cycle; filldraw z1..z1r..{down}z2r{down}..z3r--cycle; fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z0; penlabels(1,2,3,0); endchar; beginchar(",",0.3stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "comma"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (2/3w,1/9h); z2 = (2/5w,-d); draw z1{dir -60}..{dir -130}z2; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (-0.50pt,-0.22pt)); endchar; beginchar(":",0.3stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "colon"; z1 = (1/2w,1/6h); z2 = (1/2w,(3/4-1/6)*h); fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted z1; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted z2; endchar; beginchar(";",0.3stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "semi colon"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (2/3w,1/9h); z2 = (2/5w,-d); draw z1{dir -60}..{dir -130}z2; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (-0.50pt,-0.22pt)); fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (-0.50pt,1.8pt)); endchar; beginchar("`",0.3stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "backquote"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (1/3w,(3/4-1/9)*h); z2 = (3/5w,h); draw z1{dir 120}..{dir 50}z2; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (0.50pt,0.22pt)); endchar; beginchar("'",0.3stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "quote"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (2/3w,24/25h); z2 = (2/5w,(3/4-1/9-1/25)*h); draw z1{dir -60}..{dir -130}z2; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (-0.50pt,-0.22pt)); endchar; beginchar(1,0.45stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "double quote"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (2/5w,29/30h); z2 = (1/5w,(3/4-1/9-1/30)*h); z1' = (4/5w,29/30h); z2' = (3/5w,(3/4-1/9-1/30)*h); draw z1{dir -60}..{dir -130}z2; draw z1'{dir -60}..{dir -130}z2'; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (-0.50pt,-0.22pt)); fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1' + (-0.50pt,-0.22pt)); endchar; beginchar(2,0.45stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "double backquote"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (1/5w,(3/4-1/9)*h); z2 = (2/5w,h); z1' = (3/5w,(3/4-1/9)*h); z2' = (4/5w,h); draw z1{dir 120}..{dir 50}z2; draw z1'{dir 120}..{dir 50}z2'; fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1 + (0.50pt,0.22pt)); fill fullcircle scaled 1.5pt shifted (z1' + (0.50pt,0.22pt)); endchar; beginchar("/",0.3stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "forward slash"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (7/8w,3/4h+2/3d); z2 = (1/8w,-2/3d); draw z1--z2; endchar; beginchar("=",0.7stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "equality sign"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z3 = (1/10w,(1/4-1/30)*h); z4 = (9/10w,(1/4-1/30)*h); z3' = (1/10w,(1/2-1/100)*h); z4' = (9/10w,(1/2-1/100)*h); draw z3--z4; draw z3'--z4'; endchar; beginchar("[",0.20stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "left square bracket"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.1pt; z1=(w,h); z2 = (1/3w,h); z3 = (1/3w,-d); z4 = (w,-d); z1 - z1' = (0,0.5pt); z2 - z2' = (-0.5pt,0.5pt); z4 - z4' = (0,-0.5pt); z3 - z3' = (-0.5pt,-0.5pt); filldraw z1--z2--z3--z4--z4'--z3'--z2'--z1'--cycle; endchar; beginchar("]",0.20stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "right square bracket"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.1pt; z1=(0,h); z2 = (2/3w,h); z3 = (2/3w,-d); z4 = (0,-d); z1 - z1' = (0,0.5pt); z2 - z2' = (0.5pt,0.5pt); z4 - z4' = (0,-0.5pt); z3 - z3' = (0.5pt,-0.5pt); filldraw z1--z2--z3--z4--z4'--z3'--z2'--z1'--cycle; endchar; beginchar("(",0.28stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "left parenthesis"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.1pt; z1 = (8/9w,h); z3 = (8/9w,-d); z2 = (1/4w,1/3h); z2' = z2 + (0.5pt,0); filldraw z2'{up}..{dir 60}z1{dir -130}..{down}z2{down} ..{dir -50}z3{dir 120}..cycle; endchar; beginchar(")",0.28stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "right parenthesis"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.1pt; z1 = (1/9w,h); z3 = (1/9w,-d); z2 = (3/4w,1/3h); z2' = z2 - (0.5pt,0); filldraw z2'{up}..{dir 120}z1{dir -50}..{down}z2{down} ..{dir -130}z3{dir 60}..cycle; endchar; beginchar("*",0.48stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "asterisk"; numeric frac; frac = 1/8h; z1 = (1/2w,h); z2 = (1/2w,3/7h); z3 = (1/6w,h-frac); z4 = (5/6w,3/7h + frac); z5 = (1/6w,3/7h+frac); z6 = (5/6w,h - frac); pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; draw z5--z6; endchar; beginchar("+",0.68stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "plus sign"; pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; z1 = (.1w,.5matra_f*h); z2 = (w-x1,y1); top z3 = (1/2w,matra_f*h); bot z4 = (x3,0); draw z1--z2; draw z3--z4; penlabels(1,2,3,4); endchar; beginchar("-",0.4stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "hyphen"; z1 = (1/9w,3/8h); penpos1(matra_t*h,90); z2 = (w-x1,y1); penpos2(matra_t*h,90); penstroke z1e--z2e; penlabels(1,2); endchar; beginchar(8,0.60stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "endash"; pickup pencircle scaled (matra_t*h); lft z1 = (0,3/8h); rt z2 = (w,3/8h); draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2); endchar; beginchar(9,1.10stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "emdash"; pickup pencircle scaled (matra_t*h); lft z1 = (0,3/8h); rt z2 = (w,3/8h); draw z1--z2; penlabels(1,2); endchar; beginchar("%",0.70stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "percent sign"; z1 = (5/6w,h); z2 = (1/6w,-1/3d); pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; draw z1--z2; pickup pencircle xscaled 0.4pt yscaled 0.2pt; draw fullcircle xscaled 11/40w yscaled 1/2h shifted (1/4w,3/4h); draw fullcircle xscaled 11/40w yscaled 1/2h shifted (3/4w,-1/3d + 1/4h); z3 = (11/40w,h); pickup pencircle scaled 0.25pt; draw z3{dir -45}..{dir 45}z1; endchar; beginchar("?",17u#,stht#,stdp#); "question mark"; numeric ww; ww=12/17w; x3 = w - rindent; z0 = (x0,3/5h); pickup pencircle xscaled 0.5pt yscaled 0.25pt rotated -25; lft z1=(x0-.5dot_diam,3/5h); top z2=(x1+1/3ww,matra_f*h); z3=(x2+1/3ww,3/5h); z4=(x2,11/30h); z5=(x2,1/7h); z6 = (x5,0); fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z0; draw z1{up}..{right}z2{right}..{down}z3{down}..{dir -135}z4..{down}z5; fill fullcircle scaled dot_diam shifted z6; penlabels(0,1,2,3,4,5,6); endchar; beginchar("$",0.65stwd#,stht#,stdp#); "bucks"; z1 = (4/7w,h); z2 = (1/7w,-1/3d); pickup pencircle scaled 0.5pt; draw z1--z2; z3 = (4/7w,3/7h); z4 = (8/9w,3/7h); draw z3--z4; endchar; beginchar("|", 8u#, stht#, stdp#); "The pipe line"; endchar; %%% End of bangpunc.mf