********************VarTeX Revision History************************** As of October 1986, VarTeX should be considered to be in its pre-release, beta testing stage. This file will record updates and fixes to VarTeX. -------------------------------------------------------------------- October 2, 1986 \doublespace -- works, but footnotes aren't spaced quite right. \refs -- still need more \if statements footnote rule now defined in ppt.sty \thanks now works in ppt.sty qje.sty defined. -------------------------------------------------------------------- October 6, 1986 \baselineskip is correct in footnotes now, except for long ones. \skipins is probably still wrong, but it will do for now. -------------------------------------------------------------------- October 15, 1986 Cleaned up the footnote stuff mentioned above. Should have correct spacing now in both single and double mode. -------------------------------------------------------------------- November 9, 1986 Cleaned up some of the style formats. For some reason \Romannumeral doesn't work in \DoCenteredSection. Fixed several of the bibliographys in the style files. aer.sty gives "\overfull vboxs", but the output looks good. Have Kari's endnote macro to do endnotes as inserts, but I have not yet implemented them. That's the next thing to do. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- June 13, 1987 Fixed problem with \big, due to failure to define \tenbig, \ninebig, etc. on p. 415 of TeXbook. Made \tenpointbaselineskip equal to 12 points. Added \ProduceEndNotes to print footnotes at end of paper by using the \insert macro. (Thanks to Kari Gluski for suggesting this.) Fixed the footnotes to always be single spaced, even when paper is doublespaced. Changed \enddocument to do nothing; its previous function is replaced by \ProduceEndNotes. The \thanks footnote in ppt.sty now looks nicer in doublespaced mode. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- August 9, 1987 Some fixes to ecnmet.sty Added \quote and \singlespace Change \bigbreak to \BigBreak to avoid more widows with \section and \subsection Added \halign to \DoCoverAuthor to allow for multiple authors