% ljour1.ref % LJour1 vers. 1.0, LaTeX style file for Springer journals with % one-column layout: Reference card % (c) Springer-Verlag HD %----------------------------------------------------------------------- % Please use style cljour1. \documentstyle{cljour1} \nofiles \renewcommand{\typeset}{} \newcommand{\oneskip}{\vskip0.7\baselineskip} \newcommand{\twoskip}{\vskip1.4\baselineskip} \newcommand{\halfskip}{\vskip0.35\baselineskip} \newcommand{\mhalfskip}{\vskip-0.65\baselineskip} \textwidth 12cm \textheight 18.5cm \parindent=0pt\parskip=0pt \pagestyle{plain} \begin{document} {\large\bf LJour1: reference card\hfill version 1.0} \twoskip \noindent This is a list of commands provided by the \LaTeX{} style file {\it LJour1}. For a complete description of these commands please refer to the user's guide. \oneskip\hrule\twoskip \obeylines {\bf Using the style file} \oneskip \verb|tex &cljour1 | or \verb|tex &pljour1 | \oneskip {\it Documentstyle} \halfskip \verb|cljour1| or \verb|pljour1| \oneskip {\it Styleoptions} \mhalfskip \begin{flushleft}\tt referee\hfill footinfo\hfill leqno\hfill bibay\hfill deutsch\hfill% german\hfill francais\hfill amssymb \end{flushleft} \oneskip\hrule\twoskip%------------------------------ {\bf The beginning of an article} \begin{verbatim} \documentstyle[