Option Explicit 'J:\Eigene Dateien\Dokumente\Hannes\Visual Basic\csvtolatex\config.ctl 'Test.csv '\LaTeXTest Const version = "1.2" Dim sPath, input, output, mode, title, msg, ende, options, comma title = "csvtolatex configuration creator " & version ende = True sPath = InputBox("Please write here the full path and the name with extension of the configuration-file. Example: 'C:\user\documents\LaTeX\config.ctl'", title) If InStr(sPath, ":\") Then If InStr(Right(sPath, 4), ".ctl") Then Else sPath = sPath + ".ctl" End If Else ende = False End If input = InputBox("Please write here the name of the inputfile with extension like written in the documentation. Example: '\csv-tables\input.csv'", title) If StrComp(input, "") Then Else ende = False End If If ende Then output = InputBox("Please write here the relative or absolute Path for the outputfiles. Example: '\LaTeX-tables\' If you want the path relative to your configuration file write 'config=' before the path. Example: 'config=\LaTeX-tables\'", title) mode = InputBox("Please write here weather 'text' for textmode or 'math' or nothing for mathmode", title) If InStr(mode, "nothing") Then mode = "" msg = MsgBox("If you wanted mathmode by writing 'nothing' I have set it to blank, because nothing is no reserved word", 0, title) End If Dim Fso, sFile Set Fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set sFile = Fso.CreateTextFile(sPath) sFile.WriteLine "input=" & input If StrComp(output, "") Then output = "output=" & output sFile.WriteLine output End If If StrComp(mode, "") Then mode = "mode=" & mode sFile.WriteLine mode End If options = InputBox("Please write here the option you choose. Example: 'nolines' to have no \hline at the end of the lines", title) If StrComp(options, "") Then options = "options=" & options sFile.WriteLine options End If sFile.WriteLine InputBox("If you wish write here the comma/point replacement you want, if you do not want to replace it, just leave it out. Write >commatopoint< if you want to convert all commas to points, or >pointtocomma> if you want to have it the other way around", title) sFile.Close msg = MsgBox("I have written in: >" & sPath & "< input: >" & input & "< output: >" & output & "< and mode: >" & mode & "< I hope this is all right.", 0 , title) Else msg = MsgBox("There has to be a correct configurationfilename with absolute path and at least a correct inputfilename. Your configurationfilepath and -name was: >" & sPath & "< And your inputfile was: >" & input & "<", 0, title) End If