/*############################################################################## FUNNNELWEB COPYRIGHT ==================== FunnelWeb is a literate-programming macro preprocessor. Copyright (C) 1992 Ross N. Williams. Ross N. Williams ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au 16 Lerwick Avenue, Hazelwood Park 5066, Australia. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See Version 2 of the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of Version 2 of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, you can FTP the license from prep.ai.mit.edu/pub/gnu/COPYING-2 or write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Section 2a of the license requires that all changes to this file be recorded prominently in this file. Please record all changes here. Programmers: RNW Ross N. Williams ross@spam.adelaide.edu.au ABC Anthony B. Coates coates@physics.uq.edu.au Changes: 07-May-1992 RNW Program prepared for release under GNU GPL V2. 11-Jan-1994 ABC Increased MAXLINES to 100000. ##############################################################################*/ /******************************************************************************/ /* LISTER.C */ /******************************************************************************/ #include "style.h" #include "as.h" #include "data.h" #include "list.h" #include "lister.h" #include "machin.h" #include "misc.h" #include "table.h" #include "writfile.h" /******************************************************************************/ #define LISTWIDTH 80 /* Nominal width of listing file. Can be wider. */ #define INDENTQ 3 /* Indentation quantum for include files. */ #define MESSMAXCH 200 /* Maximum number of characters in a message. */ #define CTXINF 100 /* Special value that signals infinite context. */ #define MAXLINES 100000 /* Maximum number of lines in input file. */ /******************************************************************************/ /* The following #defines and typedef define an enumerated type for message */ /* kinds. There are four kinds of message, and we need a type for storing */ /* this information. mess_k_t stands for message_kind_type. */ /* We use #defines instead of enums as enums are not portable enough. */ #define MESS_MES 1 #define MESS_WAR 2 #define MESS_ERR 3 #define MESS_SEV 4 typedef ubyte mess_k_t; /* We wish to store messages in a table with message positions as keys. */ /* However, the table package will not tolerate duplicate keys. To solve this */ /* problem, we create a new type 'unqpos_t' (unique position type) which has */ /* not only a position but a serial number as well. */ typedef struct { ps_t up_pos; ulong up_serial; } unqpos_t; /* The following structure stores a single message. As we are storing COPIES */ /* of the messages, we impose a maximum limit (MESSMAXCH) to their length. */ typedef struct { mess_k_t ms_kind; char ms_text[MESSMAXCH+1]; } mess_t; /******************************************************************************/ LOCVAR p_tb_t p_msgtab; /* The message table storing diagnostics. */ LOCVAR ulong serial_next; /* Serial number for numbering messages. */ /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL int cmpuqpos P_((unqpos_t *,unqpos_t *)); LOCAL int cmpuqpos(p1,p2) /* Compare two unique positions for the table package and returns [-1,0,1]. */ unqpos_t *p1; unqpos_t *p2; { long diff; ubyte i; for (i=1; i<=3; i++) { switch (i) { case 1: diff= p1->up_pos.ps_line - p2->up_pos.ps_line; break; case 2: diff= p1->up_pos.ps_column - p2->up_pos.ps_column; break; case 3: diff= p1->up_serial - p2->up_serial; break; default: as_bomb("cmpuqpos: Case defaulted."); } if (diff<0) return -1; else if (diff>0) return 1; } return 0; } /******************************************************************************/ /* Converts a value of message kind type into a representative string. */ /* This routine unused at present. LOCAL char *mess_let P_((mess_k_t)); LOCAL char *mess_let (mess_k) mess_k_t mess_k; { switch (mess_k) { case MESS_MES : return "M"; case MESS_WAR : return "W"; case MESS_ERR : return "E"; case MESS_SEV : return "S"; default: as_bomb("mess_let: Case defaulted."); } as_bomb("mess_let: Switch dropped out."); return "Failure"; } */ /******************************************************************************/ #define DUPMAX 200 LOCAL char *dup P_((int,uword)); LOCAL char *dup(ch,count) /* Returns a pointer to a STAVAR string containing 'count' copies of 'ch'. */ /* Count must be in the range [0,DUPMAX]. The pointer returned always points */ /* to the same address which is a 'STAVAR' inside this function. */ int ch; uword count; { STAVAR char buffer[DUPMAX+1]; as_cold(count=DUPMAX"); /* The IF in the following is just in case 'memset' is brain damaged. */ if (count>0) memset(&buffer[0],ch,(size_t) count); buffer[count]=EOS; return &buffer[0]; } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void mess_wri P_((p_wf_t,mess_t *,uword,uword)); LOCAL void mess_wri(p_wf,p_mess,indent,column) /* Writes message p_mess to file p_wf indented by INDENTQ*indent+column. */ p_wf_t p_wf; mess_t *p_mess; uword indent; uword column; { switch (p_mess->ms_kind) { case MESS_MES : wf_wr(p_wf," "); break; case MESS_WAR : wf_wr(p_wf," Warning"); break; case MESS_ERR : wf_wr(p_wf," Error"); break; case MESS_SEV : wf_wr(p_wf," Severe"); break; default: as_bomb("mess_let: Case defaulted."); } wf_wr(p_wf,"|."); wf_wr(p_wf,dup('.',indent*INDENTQ)); wf_wr(p_wf,dup('.',column-1)); wf_wr(p_wf,"^"); wf_wr(p_wf,&p_mess->ms_text[0]); wf_wr(p_wf,"\n"); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void line_wri P_((p_wf_t,ln_t *)); LOCAL void line_wri(p_wf,p_line) /* Writes the given line to the given output stream. */ p_wf_t p_wf; ln_t *p_line; { char buffer[100]; /* The last line of the line list is the EOF marker line and to indicate */ /* that it is not really part of the input file, we omit it's line number. */ if (p_line->ln_global==ls_len(line_list)) /*" 12345 12345| "*/ sprintf(buffer," | "); else sprintf(buffer," %5lu %5lu| ", (unsigned long) p_line->ln_global, (unsigned long) p_line->ln_local); wf_wr(p_wf,buffer); wf_blk(p_wf,p_line->ln_body.sc_first,(size_t) (p_line->ln_body.sc_last-p_line->ln_body.sc_first+1)); } /******************************************************************************/ LOCAL void add_mess P_((ps_t *,mess_k_t,char *)); LOCAL void add_mess(p_pos,messkind,p_string) /* Creates a message record and places the message information in the */ /* argument into the record. Inserts the record into the message table. */ ps_t *p_pos; mess_k_t messkind; char *p_string; { mess_t tempmess; unqpos_t unqpos; tempmess.ms_kind=messkind; as_cold(strlen(p_string)<=MESSMAXCH, "lister.add_mess: Parameter message is too long."); strcpy(tempmess.ms_text,p_string); ASSIGN(unqpos.up_pos,*p_pos); unqpos.up_serial=serial_next++; tb_ins(p_msgtab,PV &unqpos,PV &tempmess); } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void lr_ini P_((void)) { /* Create a brand new empty message table. */ p_msgtab=tb_cre(sizeof(unqpos_t),sizeof(mess_t),(p_kycm_t) cmpuqpos); /* Start the serial numbers at zero again. */ serial_next=0; } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void lr_mes(p_pos,s) ps_t *p_pos; char *s; { add_mess(p_pos,MESS_MES,s); } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void lr_war(p_pos,s) ps_t *p_pos; char *s; { add_mess(p_pos,MESS_WAR,s); num_war++; } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void lr_err(p_pos,s) ps_t *p_pos; char *s; { add_mess(p_pos,MESS_ERR,s); num_err++; } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void lr_sev(p_pos,s) ps_t *p_pos; char *s; { add_mess(p_pos,MESS_SEV,s); num_sev++; } /******************************************************************************/ EXPORT void lr_gen(p_wf,ctx) p_wf_t p_wf; uword ctx; { unqpos_t next_pos; /* Position of next message. */ mess_t next_mes; /* Content of next message. */ long prev_no; /* Global line number of previous message. */ long next_no; /* Global line number of next message. */ bool ingap; /* Controls issuance of gap markers in the listing. */ long context=ctx; /* Signed version of the parameter. */ /* A context of CTXINF signals an infinite context. */ if (context==CTXINF) context=MAXLINES; /* Write listing header. */ wf_wr(p_wf,"\nGlobal Local| Input File\n"); wf_wr(p_wf,dup('-',12));wf_wr(p_wf,"+"); wf_wr(p_wf,dup('-',LISTWIDTH-13));wf_wr(p_wf,"\n"); /* Reset the line list and message table for reading. */ ls_fir(line_list); tb_fir(p_msgtab); /* Prime the variables ingap, prev_no, next_no, next_pos, and next_mes. */ ingap=FALSE; prev_no = -(context+1); if (tb_rea(p_msgtab,PV &next_pos,PV &next_mes)) next_no=next_pos.up_pos.ps_line; else next_no=MAXLINES+context+1; while (TRUE) {/* Process a single line per iteration. */ ln_t *p_line; /* Grab the next line from the line list. */ ls_nxt(line_list,PPV &p_line); if (p_line==NULL) break; /* List the line if it is within context range of prev or next message. */ if ((((long) p_line->ln_global) <= prev_no+context) || (((long) p_line->ln_global) >= next_no-context)) {line_wri(p_wf,p_line);ingap=FALSE;} else if (!ingap) {wf_wr(p_wf,".................\n");ingap=TRUE;} /* Issue any messages that are about this line. */ while (next_no == p_line->ln_global) { /* Write the current message. */ mess_wri(p_wf,&next_mes,(uword) 0, (uword) next_pos.up_pos.ps_column); /* Read the next message from the table. */ prev_no=next_no; if (tb_rea(p_msgtab,PV &next_pos,PV &next_mes)) next_no=next_pos.up_pos.ps_line; else next_no=MAXLINES+context+1; } } /* End while */ /* Make sure that we have read to the end of the message table. */ {bool result; result=tb_rea(p_msgtab,PV &next_pos,PV &next_mes); as_cold(!result, "lr_gen: Messages remaining in message table after listing."); } /* Write listing trailer. */ wf_wr(p_wf,dup('-',12));wf_wr(p_wf,"+"); wf_wr(p_wf,dup('-',LISTWIDTH-13));wf_wr(p_wf,"\n"); wf_wl(p_wf,""); } /******************************************************************************/ /* End of LISTER.C */ /******************************************************************************/